Essential Play

Dave Gurnell and Noel Welsh

Version 1.0, April 2015


Essential Play is aimed at beginner-to-intermediate Scala developers who want to get started using the Play 2 web framework. The material presented focuses on Play version 2.3, although the approaches introduced are generally applicable to Play 2.2+.

By the end of the course we will have a solid foundation in each of the main libraries Play provides for building sites and services:

Many thanks to Richard Dallaway, Jonathan Ferguson, and the team at Underscore for their invaluable contributions and extensive proof reading.

Conventions Used in This Book

This book contains a lot of technical information and program code. We use the following typographical conventions to reduce ambiguity and highlight important concepts:

Typographical Conventions

New terms and phrases are introduced in italics. After their initial introduction they are written in normal roman font.

Terms from program code, filenames, and file contents, are written in monospace font. Note that we do not distinguish between singular and plural forms. For example, might write String or Strings to refer to the java.util.String class or objects of that type.

References to external resources are written as hyperlinks. References to API documentation are written using a combination of hyperlinks and monospace font, for example: scala.Option.

Source Code

Source code blocks are written as follows. Syntax is highlighted appropriately where applicable:

object MyApp extends App {
  println("Hello world!") // Print a fine message to the user!

Some lines of program code are too wide to fit on the page. In these cases we use a continuation character (curly arrow) to indicate that longer code should all be written on one line. For example, the following code:

println("This code should all be written ↩
  on one line.")

should actually be written as follows:

println("This code should all be written on one line.")

Callout Boxes

We use three types of callout box to highlight particular content:

Tip callouts indicate handy summaries, recipes, or best practices.

Advanced callouts provide additional information on corner cases or underlying mechanisms. Feel free to skip these on your first read-through—come back to them later for extra information.

Warning callouts indicate common pitfalls and gotchas. Make sure you read these to avoid problems, and come back to them if you’re having trouble getting your code to run.

1 Getting Started

In this chapter we will discuss how to get started with Play. Our main focus will be on building and running the exercises in this book, but we will also discuss installing and using SBT, the Scala Build System, to compile, test, run, and deploy Play projects.

1.1 Installing the Exercises

The exercises and sample code in this book are all packaged with a copy of SBT. All you need to get started are Git, a Java runtime, and an Internet connection to download other dependencies.

Start by cloning the Github repository for the exercises:

bash$ git clone

bash$ cd essential-play-code

dave@Jade ~/d/p/essential-play-code> git status
# On branch exercises...

bash$ ls -1
# And so on...

The repository has two branches, exercises and solutions, each containing a set of self-contained Play projects in separate directories. We have included one exercise to serve as an introduction to SBT. Change to the chapter1-hello directory and start SBT using the shell script provided:

bash$ cd chapter1-hello

bash$ ./
# Lots of output here...
# The first run will take a while...

[app] $

“Downloading the Internet”

The first commands you run in SBT will cause it to download various dependencies, including libraries for Play, the Scala runtime, and even the Scala compiler. This process can take a while and is affectionately known to Scala developers as “downloading the Internet”.

These files are only downloaded once, after which SBT caches them on your system. Be prepared for delays of up to a few minutes:

  • the first time you start SBT;
  • the first time you compile your code;
  • the first time you compile your unit tests.

Things will speed up considerably once these files are cached.

Once SBT is initialised, your prompt should change to [app] $, which is the name of the Play project we’ve set up for you. You are now interacting with SBT. Compile the project using the compile command to check everything is working:

[app] $ compile
# Lots of output here...
# The first run will take a while...
[info] Updating {file:/Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/}app...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 3 Scala sources and 1 Java source to ↩
[success] Total time: 7 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 11:15:39

[app] $

If the project compiles successfully, try running it. Enter run to start a development web server and access it at http://localhost:9000 to test out the app:

[app] $ run

--- (Running the application from SBT, auto-reloading is enabled) ---

[info] play - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000

(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)

# Play waits until we open a web browser...
[info] play - Application started (Dev)

If everything worked correctly you should see the message "Hello world!" in your browser. Congratulations—you have run your first Play web application!

1.1.1 Other Exercises in this Book

The process you have used here is the same for each exercise in this book:

  1. change to the relevant exercise directory;
  2. start SBT;
  3. issue the relevant SBT commands to compile and run your code.

You will find instructions for each exercise in the text of the book. Also look out for comments like the following in the exercise source code:

// TODO: Complete this bit!

These tell you where you need to modify the code to complete the exercises. There are complete solutions to each exercise in the solutions branch of the repository.

Getting Help

Resist the temptation to look at the solutions if you get stuck! You will make mistakes when you first start programming Play applications, but mistakes are the best way to teach yourself.

If you do get stuck, join our Gitter chat room to get help from the authors and other students.

Try to get the information you need to solve the immediate problem without gaining complete access to the solution code. You’ll proceed slower this way but you’ll learn a lot faster and the knowledge will stick with you longer.

1.2 Installing SBT

As we discussed in the previous section, each exercise and solution is bundled with its own scripts and binaries for SBT. This is a great setup for this book, but after you’ve finished the exercises you will want to install SBT properly so you can work on your own applications. In this section we will discuss the options available to you to do this.

1.2.1 How Does SBT Work?

SBT relies heavily on account-wide caches to store project dependencies. By default these caches are located in two folders:

SBT downloads dependencies on demand and caches them for future use in ~/.ivy2. In fact, the JAR we run to boot SBT is actually a launcher (typically named sbt-launch.jar) that downloads and caches the correct versions of SBT and Scala needed for our project.

This means we can use a single launcher to compile and run projects with different version requirements for libraries, SBT, and Scala. We are can use separate launchers for each project, or a single launcher that covers all projects on our development machine. The shared caches allow multiple SBT launchers to work indepdently without conflict.

Despite the convenience of these account-wide caches, they have two important drawbacks to be aware of:

  1. the first time we build a project we must be connected to the Internet for SBT to download the required dependencies; and

  2. as we saw in the previous section, the first build of a project may take a long time.

1.2.2 Flavours of SBT

SBT is available from a number of sources under a variety of different names. Here are the main options available, any of which is a suitable starting point for your own applications:

Legacy Play Distributions

Older downloads from shipped with a built-in play command that was also an alias for SBT. However, the old Play distributions configured SBT with non-standard cache directories that meant it did not play nicely with other installs.

We recommend replacing any copies of the legacy play command with one of the other options described above. Newer versions of Play are shipped with Activator, which interoperates well with other locally installed copies of SBT.

1.3 Using SBT

At the beginning of this chapter we cloned the Git repository of the exercises for this book and ran our first SBT commands on the chapter1-hello sample project. Let’s revisit this project to investigate the standard SBT commands for compiling, running, and deploying Play applications.

Change to the chapter1-hello directory if you are not already there and start SBT using the shell script provided:

bash$ cd essential-play-code/chapter1-hello

bash$ ./

[app] $

SBT with and without Play

Play is distributed in two components:

  • a set of libraries used by our web applications at runtime;

  • an SBT plugin that customises the default behaviour of SBT, adding and altering commands to help us build applications for the web.

This section covers the behaviour of SBT with the Play plugin activated. We have included callout boxes like this one to highlight the differences from vanilla SBT.

1.3.1 Interative and Batch Modes

We can start SBT in two modes: interactive mode and batch mode. Batch mode is useful for continuous integration and delivery, while interactive mode is faster and more convenient for use in development. Most of our time in this book will be spent in interactive mode.

We start interactive mode be running SBT with no command line arguments. SBT displays a command prompt where we can enter commands such as compile, run, and clean to build our code. Pressing Ctrl+D quits SBT when we’re done:

bash$ ./

[app] $ compile
# SBT compiles our code and we end up back in SBT...

[app] $ ^D
# Ctrl+D quits back to the OS command prompt


We start SBT in batch mode by issuing commands as arguments on the OS command line. SBT executes the commands immediately and then exits back to the OS. The commands—compile, run, clean and so on—are the same in both modes:

bash$ ./ compile
# SBT compiles our code and we end up back on the OS command prompt...


The SBT command prompt

The default SBT command prompt is a single echelon:


Play changes this to the name of the project surrounded by square brackets:

[app] $

You will find the prompt changing as you switch back and forth between Play projects and vanilla Scala projects.

Directory structure of non-Play projects

By default SBT uses two directories to store application and test code:

  • src/main/scala—Scala application code;
  • src/test/scala—Scala unit tests.

Play replaces these with the app, app/assets, views, public, conf, and test directories, providing locations for the extra files required to build a web application.

1.3.2 Common SBT Commands

The following table contains a summary of the most useful SBT commands for working with Play. Each command is covered in more detail below.

Many commands have dependencies listed in the right-hand column. For example, compile depends on update, run depends on compile, and so on. When we run a command SBT automatically runs its dependencies as well. For example, whwnever we run the compile command, SBT will run update for us automatically.

SBT Command Purpose Notes and Dependencies
update Resolves and caches library dependencies No dependencies
compile Compiles application code, including code under app, app/assets, and views Depends on update
run Runs application in development mode, continuously recompiles on demand Depends on compile
console Starts an interactive Scala prompt Depends on compile
test:compile Compiles all unit tests Depends on compile
test Compiles and runs all unit tests Depends on test:compile
testOnly foo.Bar Compiles and runs unit tests defined in the class foo.Bar Depends on test:compile
stage Gathers all dependencies into a single stand-alone directory Depends on compile
dist Gathers staged files into a ZIP file Depends on stage
clean Deletes temporary build files under ${projecthome}/target No dependencies
eclipse Generates Eclipse project files No dependencies, requires the sbteclipse plugin

1.3.3 Compiling and Cleaning Code

The compile and test:compile commands compile our application and unit tests respectively. The clean command deletes the generated class files in case we want to rebuild from scratch (clean is not normally required as we shall see below).

Let’s clean the example project from the previous section and recompile the code as an example:

bash$ ./
[info] Loading project definition from ↩
[info] Set current project to app (in build file:/.../essential-play-code/)

[app] $ clean
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 11:15:32

[app] $ compile
[info] Updating {file:/Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/}app...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 3 Scala sources and 1 Java source to ↩
       /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
[success] Total time: 7 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 11:15:39

[app] $

In the output from compile SBT tells us how many source files it compiled and how long compilation took—7 seconds in this case! Fortunately we normally don’t need to wait this long. The compile and test:compile commands are incremental—they automatically recompile only the files that have changed since the last time we compiled the code. We can see the effect of incremental compilation by changing our application and running compile again. Open app/controllers/AppController.scala in an editor and change the "Hello World!" line to greet you by name:

package controllers

import play.api.Logger
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.mvc._

import models._

object AppController extends Controller {
  def index = Action { request =>
    Ok("Hello Dave!")

Now re-run the compile command:

[app] $ compile
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to ↩
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 12:26:16

[app] $

One Scala file compiled in one second. Much better! Incremental compilation means we can rely on compile and test:compile to do the right thing to recompile our code—we rarely need to use clean to rebuild from scratch.

Compiling in interactive mode

Another reason our first compile command was slow was because SBT spent a lot of time loading the Scala compiler for the first time. If we keep SBT open in interactive mode, subsequent compile commands become much faster.

1.3.4 Watch Mode

We can prefix any SBT command with a ~ to run the command in watch mode. SBT watches our codebase and reruns the specified task whenever we change a source file. Type ~compile at the prompt to see this in action:

[app] $ ~compile
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 12:31:09
1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)

SBT tells us it is “waiting for source changes”. Whenever we edit a source file it will trigger the compile task and incrementally recompile the changed code. Let’s see this by introducing a compilation error to AppController.scala. Open the source file again and delete the closing " from "Hello Name!". As soon as we save the file we see the following in SBT:

[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to ↩
[error] /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/app/ ↩
        controllers/AppController.scala:11: unclosed string literal
[error]     Ok("Hello Dave!)
[error]        ^
[error] /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/app/ ↩
        controllers/AppController.scala:12: ')' expected but '}' found.
[error]   }
[error]   ^
[error] two errors found
[error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 12:32:45
2. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)

The compiler has picked up the error and produced some error messages as a result. If we fix the error again and save the file, the error messages disappear:

[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 12:33:55
3. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)

Watch mode is extremely useful for getting instant feedback during development. Simply press Enter when you’re done to return to the SBT command prompt.

Watch mode and other tasks

We can use watch mode with any SBT command. For example:

  • ~compile watches our code and recompiles it whenever we change a file;

  • ~test watches our code and reruns the unit tests whenever we change a file; and

  • ~dist watches our code and builds a new distributable ZIP archive whenever we change a file.

This behaviour is built into SBT and works irrespective of whether we’re using Play.

1.3.5 Running a Development Web Server

We can use the run command to run our application in a development environment. This command starts a development web server, watches for incoming connections, and recompiles our code whenever an incoming request is received.

Let’s see this in action. First clean the codebase, then enter run at the SBT prompt:

[app] $ clean
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 13-Jan-2015 12:44:07
[app] $ run
[info] Updating {file:/Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/}app...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12 ...
[info] Done updating.

--- (Running the application from SBT, auto-reloading is enabled) ---

[info] play - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000

(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)

SBT starts up a web server on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000 (which means localhost:9000 in IPv6-speak) and waits for a browser to connect. Open up http://localhost:9000 in a web browser and watch the SBT console to see what happens. Play receives the incoming request and recompiles and runs the application to respond:

[info] Compiling 3 Scala sources and 1 Java source to ↩
[info] play - Application started (Dev)

If we reload the web page without changing any source code, Play simply serves up the response again. However, if we edit the code and reload the page, Play recompiles the application before responding.

Differences between run and watch mode

The run command is a great way to get instant feedback when developing an application. However, we have to send a request to the web browser to get Play to recompile the code. In contrast, watch mode recompiles the application as soon as we change a file.

Sometimes using ~compile or ~test can be a more efficient way of working. It depends on how much code we’re rewriting and how many compile errors we are likely to introduce during coding.

Running non-Play applications

SBT’s default run command is much simpler than the command provided by Play. It simply runs a command line or graphical application and exits when it terminates. Play provides the development web server and continuous compilation functionality. Running Unit Tests

The test and testOnly commands are used to run unit tests. test runs all unit tests for the application; testOnly runs a single test suite. Let’s use test to test our sample application:

[app] $ test
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to ↩
[info] ApplicationSpec:
[info] AppController
[info] - must respond with a friendly message
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 934 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed 14-Jan-2015 14:02:45

[app] $

Because this is the first time we’ve run test, SBT starts by compiling the test suite. It then runs our sample code’s single test suite, controllers.AppControllerSpec. The suite contains a single test that checks whether our greeting starts with the word "Hello".

We don’t have many tests for our sample application so testing is fast. If we had lots of test suites we could focus on a single suite using the testOnly command. testOnly takes the fully qualified class name of the desired suite as an argument:

[app] $ testOnly controllers.AppControllerSpec
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 44 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] No tests were executed.
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for test:testOnly
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 14-Jan-2015 14:06:42

[app] $

As with compile, both of these commands can run in watch mode by prefixing them with a ~. Whenever we change and save a file, SBT will recompile it and rerun our tests for us.

1.3.6 Packaging and Deploying the Application

The stage command bundles the compiled application and all of its dependencies into a single directory under the directory target/universal/stage. Let’s see this in action:

[app] $ stage
[info] Packaging /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
       target/scala-2.10/app_2.10-0.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Packaging /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
       target/scala-2.10/app_2.10-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
[info] Main Scala API documentation to /Users/dave/dev/projects/ ↩
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Wrote /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
[info] Packaging /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
       target/app-0.1-SNAPSHOT-assets.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
model contains 10 documentable templates
[info] Main Scala API documentation successful.
[info] Packaging /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
       target/scala-2.10/app_2.10-0.1-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 14-Jan-2015 14:08:14

[app] $

Now press Ctrl+D to quit SBT and take a look at the package created by the stage command:

bash$ ls -l target/universal/stage/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   4 dave  staff   136 14 Jan 14:11 bin
drwxr-xr-x   3 dave  staff   102 14 Jan 14:11 conf
drwxr-xr-x  44 dave  staff  1496 14 Jan 14:11 lib
drwxr-xr-x   3 dave  staff   102 14 Jan 14:08 share

bash$ ls -l target/universal/stage/bin
total 40
-rwxr--r--  1 dave  staff  12210 14 Jan 14:11 app
-rw-r--r--  1 dave  staff   6823 14 Jan 14:11 app.bat

SBT has created a directory target/universal/stage containing all the dependencies we need to run the application. It has also created two executable scripts under target/universal/stage/bin to set an appropriate classpath and run the application from the command prompt. If we run one of these scripts, the app starts up and allows us to connect as usual:

bash$ target/universal/stage/bin/app
Play server process ID is 22594
[info] play - Application started (Prod)
[info] play - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000

The contents of target/universal/stage can be copied onto a remote web server and run as a standalone application. We can use standard Unix commands such as rsync and scp to achieve this. Sometimes, however, it is more convenient to have an archive to distribute. We can use the dist command to create a ZIP of target/universal/stage for easy distribution:

[app] $ dist
[info] Wrote /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
[info] Your package is ready in /Users/dave/dev/projects/ ↩
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed 14-Jan-2015 14:15:50

Packaging non-Play applications

The stage and dist commands are specific to the Play plugin. SBT contains a built-in package command for building non-Play projects, but this functionality is beyond the scope of this book.

1.3.7 Working With Eclipse

The sample SBT project includes a plugin called sbteclipse that generates project files for Eclipse. Run the eclipse command to see this in action:

[app] $ eclipse
[info] About to create Eclipse project files for your project(s).
[info] Successfully created Eclipse project files for project(s):
[info] app

[app] $

Now start Eclipse and import your SBT project using File menu > Import… > General > Existing files into workspace and select the root directory of the project source tree in the Select root directory field. Click Finish to add a project called app to the Eclipse workspace.

1.3.8 Working With Intellij IDEA

Newer versions of the Scala plugin for Intellij IDEA support direct import of SBT projects from within the IDE. Choose File menu > Import… > SBT and select the root directory of the project source tree. The import wizard will do the rest automatically.

1.3.9 Configuring SBT

A full discussion of how to write SBT project configurations is beyond the scope of this book. For more information we recommend reading the tutorial on the SBT web site and the build documentation on the Play web site. The sample projects and exercises for this book will provide a good starting point for your own projects.

2 The Basics

In this chapter we will introduce five fundamental concepts used to process web requests in Play: actions, controllers, routes, requests, and results. With these concepts we will be able to read incoming HTTP requests, pass them to the correct module of the application code, extract appropriate information, and send a response back to the client.

2.1 Directory Structure

Play projects use the following directory structure, which is quite different to the standard structure of an SBT project:

 +- app/        # Scala application code
 |   |
 |   +- assets/ # client assets for compilation by SBT
 |              # (Javascript, Coffeescript, Less CSS, and so on)
 +- views/      # Twirl templates for compilation by SBT
 +- public/     # static assets to be served by the application
 |              # (HTML, Javascript, CSS, and so on)
 +- conf/       # runtime configuration files bundled with the
 |              # deployed application (route config, logs, DB config)
 +- test/       # Scala unit tests
 +- logs/       # logs generated by the development server
 +- project/    # configuration files and temporary files
 +- target/     # temporary directory used to store completed builds

Most of our time in this book will be spent editing Scala files in the app and test directories and the routes configuration file in the conf directory. You can find out more about the asset directories and configuration files in the Play documentation.

2.2 Actions, Controllers, and Routes

We create Play web applications from actions, controllers, and routes. In this section we will see what each part does and how to wire them together.

2.2.1 Hello, World!

Actions are objects that handle web requests. They have an apply method that accepts a play.api.mvc.Request and returns a play.api.mvc.Result. We create them using one of several apply methods on the play.api.mvc.Action companion:

import play.api.mvc.Action

Action { request =>
  Ok("Hello, world!")

We package actions inside Controllers. These are singleton objects that contain action-producing methods:

package controllers

import play.api.mvc.{ Action, Controller }

object HelloController extends Controller {
  def hello = Action { request =>
    Ok("Hello, world!")

  def helloTo(name: String) = Action { request =>
    Ok(s"Hello, $name!")

We use routes to dispatch incoming requests to Actions. Routes choose Actions based on the HTTP method and path of the request. We write routes in a Play-specific DSL that is compiled to Scala by SBT:

GET /      controllers.HelloController.hello
GET /:name controllers.HelloController.helloTo(name: String)

We’ll learn more about this DSL in the next section. By convention we place controllers in the controllers package in the app/controllers folder, and routes in a conf/routes configuration file.

The structure of our minimal Play application is as follows:

 +- app/
 |   +- controllers/
 |       +- HelloController.scala # Controller and actions (Scala code)
 +- conf/
 |   +- routes                    # Routes (Play routing DSL)
 +- project/
 |   +- plugins.sbt               # Load the Play plugin (SBT code)
 +- build.sbt                     # Configure the build (SBT code)

2.2.2 The Anatomy of a Controller

Let’s take a closer look at the controller in the example above. The code in use comes from two places:

The controller, called HelloController, is a subtype of play.api.mvc.Controller. It defines two Action-producing methods, hello and helloTo. Our routes specify which of these methods to call when a request comes in.

Note that Actions and Controllers have different lifetimes. Controllers are created when our application boots and persist until it shuts down. Actions are created and executed in response to incoming Requests and have a much shorter lifespan. Play passes parameters from our routes to the method that creates the Action, not to the action itself.

Each of the example Actions creates an Ok response containing a simple message. Ok is a helper object inherited from Controller. It has an apply method that creates Results with HTTP status 200. The actual return type of Ok.apply is play.api.mvc.Result.

Play uses the type of the argument to Ok.apply to determine the Content-Type of the Result. The String arguments in the example create a Results of type text/plain. Later on we’ll see how to customise this behaviour and create results of different types.

2.2.3 Take Home Points

The backbone of a Play web application is made up of Actions, Controllers, and routes:

We typically place controllers in a Controllers package in the app/controllers folder. Routes go in the conf/routes file (no filename extension).

In the next section we will take a closer look at routes.

2.2.4 Exercise: Time is of the Essence

The chapter2-time directory in the exercises contains an unfinished Play application for telling the time.

Complete this application by filling in the missing actions and routes. Implement the three missing actions described in the comments in app/controllers/TimeController.scala and complete the conf/routes file to hook up the specified URLs.

We’ve written this project using the Joda Time library to handle time formatting and time zone conversion. Don’t worry if you haven’t used the library before—the TimeHelpers trait in TimeController.scala contains all of the functionality needed to complete the task at hand.

Test your code using curl if you’re using Linux or OS X or a browser if you’re using Windows:

bash$ curl -v 'http://localhost:9000/time'
# HTTP headers...
4:18 PM

bash$ curl -v 'http://localhost:9000/time/zones'
# HTTP headers...
# etc...

bash$ curl -v 'http://localhost:9000/time/CET'
# HTTP headers...
5:21 PM


Be agile!

Complete the exercises by coding small units of end-to-end functionality. Start by implementing the simplest possible action that you can test on the command line:

// Action:
def time = Action { request =>
  Ok("TODO: Complete")

// Route:
GET /time controllers.TimeController.time

Write the route for this action and test it using curl before you move on. The faster you get to running your code, the faster you will learn from any mistakes.

Answer the following questions when you’re done:

  1. What happens when you connect to the application using the following URL? Why does this not work as expected and how can you work around the behaviour?

    bash$ curl -v 'http://localhost:9000/time/Africa/Abidjan'
  2. What happens when you send a POST request to the application?

    bash$ curl -v -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/time'`

The main task in the actions in TimeController.scala is to convert the output of the various methods in TimeHelpers to a String so we can wrap it in an Ok() response:

def time = Action { request =>

def timeIn(zoneId: String) = Action { request =>
  val time = localTimeInZone(zoneId)
  Ok(time map timeToString getOrElse "Time zone not recognized.")

def zones = Action { request =>
  Ok(zoneIds mkString "\n")

Hooking up the routes would be straightforward, except we included one gotcha to trip you up. You must place the route for TimeController.zones above the route for TimeController.timeIn:

GET /time        controllers.TimeController.time
GET /time/zones  controllers.TimeController.zones
GET /time/:zone  controllers.TimeController.timeIn(zone: String)

If you put these two in the wrong order, Play will treat the word zones in /time/zones as the name of a time zone and route the request to TimeController.timeIn("zones") instead of TimeController.zones.

The answers to the questions are as follows:

  1. The mistake here is that we haven’t escaped the / in Africa/Abidjan. Play interprets this as a path with three segments but our route will only match two. The result is a 404 response.

    If we encode the value as Africa%2FAbidjan the application will respond as desired. The %2F is decoded by Play before the argument is passed to timeIn:

    bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/time/Africa%2FAbidjan'
    4:38 PM
  2. Our routes are only configured to match incoming GET requests so POST requests result in a 404 response.

2.3 Routes in Depth

The previous section introduced Actions, Controllers, and routes. Actions and Controllers are standard Scala code, but routes are something new and specific to Play.

We define Play routes using a special DSL that compiles to Scala code. The DSL provides both a convenient way of mapping URIs to method calls and a way of mapping method calls back to URIs. In this section we will take a deeper look at Play’s routing DSL including the various ways we can extract parameters from URIs.

2.3.1 Path Parameters

Routes associate URI patterns with action-producing method calls. We can specify parameters to extract from the URI and pass to our controllers. Here are some examples:

# Fixed route (no parameters):
GET /hello controllers.HelloController.hello

# Single parameter:
GET /hello/:name controllers.HelloController.helloTo(name: String)

# Multiple parameters:
GET /send/:msg/to/:user ↩
  controllers.ChatController.send(msg: String, user: String)

# Rest-style parameter:
GET /download/*filename ↩
  controllers.DownloadController.file(filename: String)

The first example assocates a single URI with a parameterless method. The match must be exact—only GET requests to /hello will be routed. Even a trailing slash in the URI (/hello/) will cause a mismatch.

The second example introduces a single-segment parameter written using a leading colon (‘:’). Single-segment parameters match any continuous set of characters excluding forward slashes (‘/’). The parameter is extracted and passed to the method call—the rest of the URI must match exactly.

The third example uses two single-segment parameters to extract two parts of the URI. Again, the rest of the URI must match exactly.

The final example uses a rest-parameter written using a leading asterisk (’*’). Rest-style parameters match all remaining characters in the URI, including forward slashes.

2.3.2 Matching Requests to Routes

When a request comes in, Play attempts to route it to an action. It examines each route in turn until it finds a match. If no routes match, it returns a 404 response.

Routes match if the HTTP method has the relevant value and the URI matches the shape of the pattern. Play supports all eight HTTP methods: OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and CONNECT.

Routing examples—mappings from HTTP data to Scala code
HTTP method and URI Scala method call or result
GET /hello controllers.HelloController.hello
GET /hello/dave controllers.HelloController.helloTo("dave")
GET /send/hello/to/dave controllers.ChatController.send("hello", "dave")
GET /download/path/to/file.txt controllers.DownloadController.file("path/to/file.txt")
GET /hello/ 404 result (trailing slash)
POST /hello 404 result (POST request)
GET /send/to/dave 404 result (missing path segment)
GET /send/a/message/to/dave 404 result (extra path segment)

Play Routing is Strict

Play’s strict adherance to its routing rules can sometimes be problematic. Failing to match the URI /hello/, for example, may seem overzealous. We can work around this issue easily by mapping multiple routes to a single method call:

GET  /hello  controllers.HelloController.hello # no trailing slash
GET  /hello/ controllers.HelloController.hello # trailing slash
POST /hello/ controllers.HelloController.hello # POST request
# and so on...

2.3.3 Query Parameters

We can specify parameters in the method-call section of a route without declaring them in the URI. When we do this Play extracts the values from the query string instead:

# Extract `username` and `message` from the path:
GET /send/:message/to/:username ↩
  controllers.ChatController.send(message: String, username: String)

# Extract `username` and `message` from the query string:
GET /send ↩
  controllers.ChatController.send(message: String, username: String)

# Extract `username` from the path and `message` from the query string:
GET /send/to/:username ↩
  controllers.ChatController.send(message: String, username: String)

We sometimes want to make query string parameters optional. To do this, we just have to define them as Option types. Play will pass Some(value) if the URI contains the parameter and None if it does not.

For example, if we have the following Action:

object NotificationController {
  def notify(username: String, message: Option[String]) =
    Action { request => /* ... */ }

we can invoke it with the following route:

GET /notify controllers.NotificationController. ↩
  notify(username: String, message: Option[String])

We can mix and match required and optional query parameters as we see fit. In the example, username is required and message is optional. However, path parameters are always required—the following route fails to compile because the path parameter :message cannot be optional:

GET /notify/:username/:message controllers.NotificationController. ↩
  notify(username: String, message: Option[String])

# Fails to compile with the following error:
#     [error] conf/routes:1: No path binder found for Option[String].
#     Try to implement an implicit PathBindable for this type.
Query string parameter examples
HTTP method and URI Scala method call or result
GET /send/hello/to/dave ChatController.send("hello", "dave")
GET /send?message=hello&username=dave ChatController.send("hello", "dave")
GET /send/to/dave?message=hello ChatController.send("hello", "dave")

2.3.4 Typed Parameters

We can extract path and query parameters of types other than String. This allows us to define Actions using well-typed arguments without messy parsing code. Play has built-in support for Int, Double, Long, Boolean, and UUID parameters.

For example, given the following route and action definition:

GET /say/:msg/:n/times controllers.VerboseController.say(msg: String, n: Int)
object VerboseController extends Controller {
  def say(msg: String, n: Int) = Action { request =>
    Ok(List.fill(n)(msg) mkString "\n")

We can send requests to URLs like /say/Hello/5/times and get back appropriate responses:

bash$ curl -v 'http://localhost:9000/say/Hello/5/times'
# HTTP headers...


Play also has built-in support for Option and List parameters in the query string (but not in the path):

GET /option-example controllers.MyController.optionExample(arg: Option[Int])
GET /list-example   controllers.MyController.listExample(arg: List[Int])

Optional parameters can be specified or omitted and List parameters can be specified any number of times:

/option-example             # => MyController.optionExample(None)
/option-example?arg=123     # => MyController.optionExample(Some(123))
/list-example               # => MyController.listExample(Nil)
/list-example?arg=123       # => MyController.listExample(List(123))
/list-example?arg=12&arg=34 # => MyController.listExample(List(12, 34))

If Play cannot extract values of the correct type for each parameter in a route, it returns a 400 Bad Request response to the client. It doesn’t consider any other routes lower in the file. This is standard behaviour for all types of path and query string parameter.

Custom Parameter Types

Play parses route parameters using instances of two different type classes:

We can implement custom parameter types by creating implicit values these type classes.

2.3.5 Reverse Routing

Reverse routes are objects that we can use to generate URIs. This allows us to create URIs from type-checked program code without having to concatenate Strings by hand.

Play generates reverse routes for us and places them in a controllers.routes package that we can access from our Scala code. Returning to our original routes for HelloController:

GET /hello       controllers.HelloController.hello
GET /hello/:name controllers.HelloController.helloTo(name: String)

The route compiler generates a controllers.routes.HelloController object with reverse routing methods as follows:

package routes

import play.api.mvc.Call

object HelloController {
  def hello: Call =
    Call("GET", "/hello")

  def helloTo(name: String): Call =
    Call("GET", "/hello/" + encodeURIComponent(name))

We can use reverse routes to reconstruct play.api.mvc.Call objects containing the information required to address hello and helloTo over HTTP:

import play.api.mvc.Call

val methodAndUri: Call =

methodAndUri.method // "GET"
methodAndUrl.url    // "/hello/dave"

Play’s HTML form templates, in particular, make use of Call objects when writing HTML for <form> tags. We’ll see these in more detail next chapter.

2.3.6 Take Home Points

Routes provide bi-directional mapping between URIs and Action-producing methods within Controllers.

We write routes using a Play-specific DSL that compiles to Scala code. Each route comprises an HTTP method, a URI pattern, and a corresponding method call. Patterns can contain path and query parameters that are extracted and used in the method call.

We can type the path and query parameters in routes to simplify the parsing code in our controllers and actions. Play supports many types out of the box, but we can also write code to map our own types.

Play also generates reverse routes that map method calls back to URIs. These are placed in a synthetic routes package that we can access from our Scala code.

2.3.7 Exercise: Calculator-as-a-Service

The chapter2-calc directory in the exercises contains an unfinished Play application for performing various mathematical calculations. This is similar to the last exercise, but the emphasis is on defining more complex routes.

Complete this application by filling in the missing actions and routes. Implement the missing actions marked TODO in app/controllers/CalcController.scala, and complete conf/routes to hook up the specified URLs:

Test your code using curl if you’re using Linux or OS X or a browser if you’re using Windows:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/add/123/to/234'

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/and/true/with/true'

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/concat/foo/bar/baz'

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/sort?num=1&num=3&num=2'
1 2 3

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/howto/add/123/to/234'
GET /add/123/to/234

Answer the following questions when you’re done:

  1. What happens when you add a URL-encodeD forward slash (%2F) to the argument to concat? Is this the desired behaviour?

    bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/concat/one/thing%2Fthe/other'

    How does the URL-decoding behaviour of Play differ for normal parameters and rest-parameters?

  2. Do you need to use the same parameter name in conf/routes and in your actions? What happens if they are different?

  3. Is it possible to embed a parameter of type List or Option in the path part of the URL? If it is, what do the resulting URLs look like? If it is not, what error message do get?

As with the previous exercise the add, and, concat, and sort Actions simply involve manipulating types to build Results:

def add(a: Int, b: Int) = Action { request =>
  Ok((a + b).toString)

def and(a: Boolean, b: Boolean) = Action { request =>
  Ok((a && b).toString)

def concat(args: String) = Action { request =>

def sort(numbers: List[Int]) = Action { request =>
  Ok(numbers.sorted mkString " ")

howToAdd is more interesting. We can avoid hard-coding the URL for add by using its reverse route:

def howToAdd(a: Int, b: Int) = Action { request =>
  val call = routes.CalcController.add(a, b)
  Ok(call.method + " " + call.url)

The routes file is straightforward if you follow the examples above:

GET /add/:a/to/:b       controllers.CalcController.add(a: Int, b: Int)
GET /and/:a/with/:b     controllers.CalcController.and(a: Boolean, b: Boolean)
GET /concat/*args       controllers.CalcController.concat(args: String)
GET /sort               controllers.CalcController.sort(num: List[Int])
GET /howto/add/:a/to/:b controllers.CalcController.howToAdd(a: Int, b: Int)

The answers to the questions are as follows:

  1. If we pass a %2F to the route here, we end up with the same undesirable %2F in the result.

    This happens because args is a rest-parameter. Play treats rest-parameters differently from regular path and query string parameters.

    Because regular parameters are always a single path segment, we know there will never be a reserved URL character such as a /, ?, & or = in the content. Play is able to reliably decode any URL encoded characters for us without fear of ambiguity, and does so automatically before calling our Action.

    Rest-parameters, on the other hand, can contain unencoded / characters. Play cannot decode the content without causing ambiguity so it passes the raw string captured from the URL without decoding.

    To correctly handle URL encoded characters, we have to split the rest parameter on instances of / and apply the urlDecode function to each segment:


    In example in the question, the controller should remove the / characters from the parameter and decode the %2F, yielding a response of onething/theother.

  2. Play matches parameters in routes by position rather than by name, so we don’t have to use the same names in our routes and our controllers.

    In certain circumstances this behaviour can be useful. In sort, for example, we want a singular parameter name in the URL:

    curl 'http://localhost:9000/sort?num=1&num=3&num=2'

    and a plural name in the action:

    def sort(numbers: List[Int]) = ???

    This can beome confusing when using named arguments on reverse routes. Reverse routes take their parameter names from the conf/routes file, not from our Actions. Calls to the action and the reverse route may therefore look different:

    // Direct call to the Action:
    controllers.CalcController.sort(numbers = List(1, 3, 2))
    // Call to the reverse route:
    routes.CalcController.sort(num = List(1, 3, 2))
  3. Play uses two different type classes for encoding and decoding URL parameters: PathBindable for path parameters and QueryStringBindable for query string parameters.

    Play provides default implementations of QueryStringBindable for Optional and List parameters, but it doesn’t provide PathBindables.

    If we attempt to create a path parameter of type List[...]:

    # We've added `:num` to the `sort` route from the solution
    # to change the required type class from QueryStringBindable to PathBindable:
    GET /sort/:num controllers.CalcController.sort(num: List[Int])

    we get a compile error because of the failure to find a PathBindable:

    [error] /Users/dave/dev/projects/essential-play-code/ ↩
            chapter2-calc/conf/routes:4: ↩
            No URL path binder found for type List[Int]. ↩
            Try to implement an implicit PathBindable for this type.

Now we have seen what we can do with routes, let’s look at the code we can write to handle Request and Result objects in our applications. This will arm us with all the knowledge we need to start working with HTML and forms in the next chapter.

2.4 Parsing Requests

So far we have seen how to create Actions and map them to URIs using routes. In the rest of this chapter we will take a closer look at the code we write in the actions themselves.

The first job of any Action is to extract data from the HTTP request and turn it into well-typed, validated Scala values. We have already seen how routes allow us to extract information from the URI. In this section we will see the other tools Play provides for the rest of the Request.

2.4.1 Request Bodies

The most important source of request data comes from the body. Clients can POST or PUT data in a huge range of formats, the most common being JSON, XML, and form data. Our first task is to identify the content type and parse the body.

Confession time. Up to this point we’ve been telling a white lie about Request. It is actually a generic type, Request[A]. The parameter A indicates the type of body, which we can retrieve via the body method:

def index = Action { request =>
  val body: ??? = request.body
  // ... what type is `body`? ...

Play contains an number of body parsers that we can use to parse the request and return a body of an appropriate Scala type.

So what type does request.body return in the examples we’ve seen so far? We haven’t chosen a body parser, nor have we indicated the type of body anywhere in our code. Play cannot know the Content-Type of a request at compile time, so how is this handled? The answer is quite clever—by default our actions handle requests of type Request[AnyContent].

play.api.mvc.AnyContent is a sealed trait with subtypes for several common content types and a set of convenience methods that return Some if the request matches the relevant type and None if it does not:

Body parser return types
Method of AnyContent Request content type Return type
asText text/plain Option[String]
asFormUrlEncoded application/x-www-form-urlencoded Option[Map[String, Seq[String]]]
asMultipartFormData multipart/form-data Option[MultipartFormData]
asJson application/json Option[JsValue]
asXml application/xml Option[NodeSeq]
asRaw any other content type Option[RawBuffer]

We can use any of these methods to read the body as a specific type and process it in our Action. The Optional return types force us to deal with the possibility that the client sent us the wrong content type:

def exampleAction = Action { request =>
  request.body.asXml match {
    case Some(xml) => // Handle XML
    case None      => BadRequest("That's no XML!")

We can alternatively implement handlers for multiple content types and chain them together with calls to map, flatMap, orElse, and getOrElse:

def exampleAction2 = Action { request =>
  (request.body.asText map handleText) orElse
  (request.body.asJson map handleJson) orElse
  (request.body.asXml  map handleXml)  getOrElse
  BadRequest("You've got me stumped!")

def handleText(data: String): Result = ???

def handleJson(data: JsValue): Result = ???

def handleXml(data: NodeSeq): Result = ???

Custom Body Parsers

AnyContent is a convenient way to parse common types of request bodies. However, it suffers from two drawbacks:

  • it only caters for a fixed set of common data types;
  • with the exception of multipart form data, requests must be read entirely into memory before parsing.

If we are certain about the data type we want in a particular Action, we can specify a body parser to restrict it to a specific type. Play returns a 400 Bad Request response to the client if it cannot parse the request as the relevant type:

import play.api.mvc.BodyParsers.parse

def index = Action(parse.json) { request =>
  val body: JsValue = request.body
  // ... no need to call `body.asJson` ...

If the situation demands, we can even implement our own custom body parsers to parse exotic formats:

object myDataParser new BodyParser[MyData] {
  // ...

def action = Action(myDataParser) { request =>
  val body: MyData = request.body
  // ...

See Play’s documentation on body parsers for more information.

2.4.2 Headers and Cookies

Request contains two methods for inspecting HTTP headers:

These take care of common error scenarios: missing headers, upper- and lower-case names, and so on. Values are treated as Strings throughout. Play doesn’t attempt to parse headers as dedicated Scala types. Here is a synopsis:

object RequestDemo extends Controller {
  def headers = Action { request =>
    val headers: Headers = request.headers
    val ucType: Option[String] = headers.get("Content-Type")
    val lcType: Option[String] = headers.get("content-type")

    val cookies: Cookies = request.cookies
    val cookie: Option[Cookie] = cookies.get("DemoCookie")
    val value: Option[String] =

      s"Headers: $headers",
      s"Content-Type: $ucType",
      s"content-type: $lcType",
      s"Cookies: $cookies",
      s"Cookie value: $value"
    ) mkString "\n")

Case sensitivity

The Headers.get method is case insensitive. We can grab the Content-Type using headers.get("Content-Type") or headers.get("content-type"). Cookie names, on the other hand, are case sensitive. Make sure you define your cookie names as constants to avoid case errors!

2.4.3 Methods and URIs

Routes are the recommended way of extracting information from a method or URI. However, the Request object also provides methods that are of occasional use:

// The HTTP method ("GET", "POST", etc):
val method: String = request.method

// The URI, including path and query string:
val uri: String = request.uri

// The path of the URI, without the query string:
val path: String = request.path

// The query string, split into name/value pairs:
val query: Map[String, Seq[String]] = request.queryString

2.4.4 Take Home Points

Incoming web requests are represented by objects of type Request[A]. The type parameter A indicates the type of the request body.

By default, Play represents bodies using a type called AnyContent that allows us to parse bodies a set of common data types.

Reading the body may succeed or fail depending on whether the content type matches the type we expect. The various body.asX methods such as body.asJson return Options to force us to deal with the possibility of failure.

If we’re only concerned with one type of data, we can choose or write custom body parsers to process the body as a specific type.

Request also contains methods to access HTTP headers, cookies, and various parts of the HTTP method and URI.

2.5 Constructing Results

In the previous section we saw how to extract well-typed Scala values from an incoming request. This should always be the first step in any Action. If we tame incoming data using the type system, we remove a lot of complexity and possibility of error from our business logic.

Once we have finished processing the request, the final step of any Action is to convert the result into a Result. In this section we will see how to create Results, populate them with content, and add headers and cookies.

2.5.1 Setting The Status Code

Play provides a convenient set of factory objects for creating Results. These are defined in the play.api.mvc.Results trait and inherited by play.api.mvc.Controller

Result codes
Constructor HTTP status code
Ok 200 Ok
NotFound 404 Not Found
InternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error
Unauthorized 401 Unauthorized
Status(number) number (an Int)—anything we want

Each factory has an apply method that creates a Result with a different HTTP status code. Ok.apply creates 200 responses, NotFound.apply creates 404 responses, and so on. The Status object is different: it allows us to specify the status as an Int parameter. The end result in each case is a Result that we can return from our Action:

val result1: Result = Ok("Success!")
val result2: Result = NotFound("Is it behind the fridge?")
val result3: Result = Status(401)("Access denied, Dave.")

2.5.2 Adding Content

Play adds Content-Type headers to our Results based on the type of data we provide. In the examples above we provide String data creating three results of Content-Type: text/plain.

We can create Results using values of other Scala types, provided Play understands how to serialize them. Play even sets the Content-Type header for us as a convenience. Here are some examples:

Result Content-Types
Using this Scala type… Yields this result type…
String text/plain
play.twirl.api.Html (see Chapter 2) text/html
play.api.libs.json.JsValue (see Chapter 3) application/json
scala.xml.NodeSeq application/xml
Array[Byte] application/octet-stream

The process of creating a Result is type-safe. Play determines the method of serialization based on the type we give it. If it understands what to do with our data, we get a working Result. If it doesn’t understand the type we give it, we get a compilation error. As a consequence the final steps in an Action tend to be as follows:

  1. Convert the result of action to a type that Play can serialize:
    • HTML using a Twirl template, or;
    • a JsValue to return the data as JSON, or;
    • a Scala NodeSeq to return the data as XML, or;
    • a String or Array[Byte].
  2. Use the serializable data to create a Result.

  3. Tweak HTTP headers and so on.

  4. Return the Result.

Custom Result Types

Play understands a limited set of result content types out-of-the-box. We can add support for our own types by defining instances of the play.api.http.Writeable type class. See the Scaladocs for more information:

// We have a custom library for manipulating iCal calendar files:
case class ICal(/* ... */)

// We implement an implicit `Writeable[ICal]`:
implicit object ICalWriteable extends Writeable[ICal] {
  // ...

// Now our actions can serialize `ICal` results:
def action = Action { request =>
  val myCal: ICal = ICal(/* ... */)

  Ok(myCal) // Play uses `ICalWriteable` to serialize `myCal`

The intention of Writeable is to support general data formats. We wouldn’t create a Writeable to serialize a specific class from our business model, for example, but we might write one to support a format such as XLS, Markdown, or iCal.

2.5.3 Tweaking the Result

Once we have created a Result, we have access to a variety of methods to alter its contents. The API documentation for play.api.mvc.Result shows this:

These methods can be chained, allowing us to create the Result, tweak it, and return it in a single expression:

def ohai = Action { request =>
      "Cache-Control" -> "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
      "Pragma"        -> "no-cache",
      "Expires"       -> "0",
      // etc...
      Cookie(name = "DemoCookie", value = "DemoCookieValue"),
      Cookie(name = "OtherCookie", value = "OtherCookieValue"),
      // etc...

2.5.4 Take Home Points

The final step of an Actions is to create and return a play.api.mvc.Result.

We create Results using factory objects provided by play.api.mvc.Controller. Each factory creates Results with a specific HTTP status code.

We can Results with a variety of data types. Play provides built-in support for String, JsValue, NodeSeq, and Html. We can add our own data types by writing instances of the play.api.http.Writeable type class.

Once we have created a Result, we can tweak headers and cookies before returning it.

2.5.5 Exercise: Comma Separated Values

The chapter2-csv directory in the exercises contains an unfinished Play application for converting various data formats to CSV. Complete the application by filling in the missing action in app/controllers/CsvController.scala.

The action is more complicated than in previous exercises. It must accept data POSTed to it by the client and convert it to CSV using the relevant helper method from CsvHelpers.

We have included several files to help you test the code: test.formdata and test.tsv are text files containing test data, and the various run- shell scripts make calls to curl with the correct command line parameters.

Your code should behave as follows:

Answer the following question when you are done:

Are your handlers for text/plain and text/tsv interchangeable? What happens when you remove one of the handlers and submit a file of the corresponding type? Does play compensate by running the other handler?

There are several parts to this solution: create handler functions for the various content types, ensure that the results have the correct status code and content type, and chain the handlers together to implement our Action. We will address each part in turn.

First let’s create handlers for each content type. We have three types to consider: application/x-www-form-url-encoded, text/plain, and text/tsv. Play has built-in body parsers for the first two. The methods in CsvHelpers do most of the rest of the work:

def formDataResult(request: Request[AnyContent]): Option[Result] =
  request.body.asFormUrlEncoded map formDataToCsv map csvResult

def plainTextResult(request: Request[AnyContent]): Option[Result] =
  request.body.asText map tsvToCsv map csvResult

The text/tsv conten type is trickier, however. We can’t use request.body.asText—it returns None because Play assumes the request content is binary. We have to use request.body.asRaw to get a RawBuffer, extract the Array[Byte] within, and create a String:

def rawBufferResult(request: Request[AnyContent]): Option[Result] =
  request.contentType flatMap {
    case "text/tsv" => request.body.asRaw map rawBufferToCsv map csvResult
    case _          => None

Note the pass-through clause for content types other than "text/tsv". We have no control over the types of data the client may send our way, so we always have to provide a mechanism for dealing with the unexpected.

Also note that the conversion method in rawBufferToCsv assumes unicode character encoding—make sure you check for other encodings if you write code like this in your production applications!

Each of the handler functions uses a common csvResult method to convert the String CSV data to a Result with the correct status code and content type:

def csvResult(csvData: String): Result =
  Ok(csvData).withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "text/csv")

We also need a handler for the case where we don’t know how to parse the request. In this case we return a BadRequest result with a content type of "text/plain":

val failResult: Result =
    BadRequest("Expected application/x-www-form-url-encoded, " +
               "text/tsv, or text/plain")

Finally, we need to put these pieces together. Because each of our handlers returns an Option[Result], we can use the standard methods to chain them together:

def toCsv = Action { request =>
  formDataResult(request) orElse
    plainTextResult(request) orElse
    rawBufferResult(request) getOrElse

The answer to the question is as follows. Although we are using "text/plain" and "text/tsv" interchangeably, Play treats the two content types differently:

  • "text/plain" is parsed as plain text. request.body.asText returns Some and request.body.asRaw returns None;

  • "text/tsv" is parsed as binary data. request.body.asText returns None and request.body.asRaw returns Some.

In lieu of writing a custom BodyParser for "text/tsv" requests, we have to work around Play’s (understandable) misinterpretation of the format. We read the data as a RawBuffer and convert it to a String. The example code for doing this is error-prone because it doesn’t deal with character encodings correctly. We would have to address this ourselves in a production application. However, the example demonstrates the principle of dispatching on content type and parsing the request appropriately.

2.6 Handling Failure

At this point we have covered all the basics for this chapter. We have learned how to set up routes, write Actions, handle Requests, and create Results.

In this final section of the chapter we will take a first look at a theme that runs throughout the course—failures and error handling. In future chapters we will look at how to generate good error messages for our users. In this section we will see what error messages Play provides for us.

2.6.1 Compilation Errors

Play reports compilation errors in two places: on the SBT console, and via 500 error pages. If you’ve been following the exercises so far, you will have seen this already. When we run a development web server using sbt run and make a mistake in our code, Play responds with an error page:

Internal error: Play’s compilation error 500 page
While this behaviour is useful, we should be aware of two drawbacks:

  1. The web page only reports the first error from the SBT console. A single typo in Scala code can create several compiler errors, so we often have to look at the complete output from SBT to trace down a bug.

  2. When we use sbt run, Play only recompiles our code when we refresh the web page. This sometimes slows down development because we have to constantly switch back and forth between editor and browser.

We can write and debug code faster if we use SBT’s continuous compilation mode instead of sbt run. To start continuous compilation, type ~compile on the SBT console:

[hello-world] $ ~compile
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 11-Oct-2014 11:46:28
1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)

In continuous compilation mode, SBT recompiles our code every time we change a file. However, we have to go back to sbt run to see the changes in a browser.

2.6.2 Runtime Errors

If our code compiles but fails at runtime, we get a similar error page that points to the source of the exception. The exception is reported on the SBT console as well as on the page:

Internal error: Play’s default error 500 page

2.6.3 Routing Errors

Play generates a 404 page if it can’t find an appropriate route for an incoming request. This error doesn’t appear on the console:

Not found: Play’s 404 routing error page
If Play finds a route but can’t parse the parameters from the path and query string, it issues a similar-looking 400 response:

Bad request: Play’s 400 routing error page

2.6.4 Take Home Points

Play gives us nice error messages for compile errors and exceptions during development. We get a default 404 and 400 pages for routing errors, and a default 500 page for compile errors and exceptions at runtime.

These error messages are useful during development, but we should remember to disable it before we put code into production. We will see this next chapter when we create our own HTML and learn how to handle form data.

2.7 Extended Exercise: Chat Room Part 1

In addition to the small exercises sprinkled throughout this book, at the end of each chapter we will revisit an ongoing exercise to build a larger application consisting of several components.

We will design this application using a set of mechanical design principles that will allow us to extend it over the course of the book. We will add a web interface in the next chapter, a REST API in the chapter after that, and in the final content chapter we will separate the application into microservices and distribute them across different servers.

2.7.1 Application Structure

Our application is a simple internet chat room that can be split into two sets of services:

Each service can be split into two layers:

These two divisions can be illustrated as follows, with services as vertical cross-sections of the app, layers as horizontal cross-sections, and four main singleton objects implementing the functionality:

Basic structure of the chat application

Basic structure of the chat application

The methods in ChatService and AuthService are implemented in a message-passing style, with one input message and one output message each. Specifying the arguments as a single input message will be useful in future chapters for defining mappings to and from HTTP data types such as HTML, form data, and JSON objects.

The messages themselves are implemented in ChatServiceMessages and AuthServiceMessages. Some of the messages, notably the Response messages, have several subtypes. For example a LoginResponse may be a LoginSuccess, a UserNotFound, or a PasswordIncorrect.

The controller layer sits between the service layer and the network, translating strongly typed Scala data to weakly typed HTTP data. In a production application there may be multiple controllers for each service: one for a web interface, one for a REST API, and so on. In this exercise we have a single set of controllers implemented using a simple plain text protocol because we don’t yet know how to handle HTML pages or form data:

Note that Service objects don’t talk to one another directly. This is a deliberate design decision to support our eventual aim of distributing the application as a set of microservices. We run all communication through the Controllers, reducing the number of files we need to touch to reimplement the internal communcations within the applcation.

2.7.2 Completing the Exercise

You have two tasks in the exercise:

  1. implement the missing methods in AuthService and ChatService;
  2. implement the missing actions in AuthController and ChatController.

We have set up routes for you in conf/routes. We have also set up unit tests for the services and controllers to help you check your code:

Test Driven Development

As with previous exercises we recommend you proceed by writing code in small chunks. Start with the Services files. Concentrate on one file at a time and run the tests to check your work.

You can run the tests for a single class using the testOnly command in SBT. Use it in watch mode to get fast turnaround as you work:

[app] $ ~testOnly services.ChatServiceSpec

2.7.3 Chat Services

In lieu of using an actual database, ChatService maintains an in-memory data store of messages. An immutable Vector is a good data type for our purposes because of its efficient iteration and append operations.

The three methods of ChatService perform simple operations on the store. They don’t do any authentication checks—we leave these up to ChatController:

The clear method resets postedMessages to an empty Vector:

def clear(): Unit =
  postedMessages = Vector[Message]()

The messages method returns postedMessages. We don’t need to worry about exposing a direct reference to the Vector because it is immutable:

def messages: Seq[Message] =

The chat method creates a new Message, appends it to the data store, and returns it:

def chat(author: String, text: String): Message = {
  val message = Message(author, text)
  postedMessages = postedMessages :+ message

2.7.4 Auth Services

Our substitute for a database in AuthService consists of two in-memory Maps:

The Username, Password, and SessionId types are all aliases for String. The offer no type safety but they do make the intent clearer in the code. We could easily replace the aliases with value classes if we desired extra type safety.

The login, logout and whoami methods primarily operate on sessions.

login is the most complex method. It checks the credentials in the LoginRequest and returns a LoginSuccess, PasswordIncorrect, or UserNotFound response as appropriate. If the user is successfully logged in, the method creates a SessionId and caches it in sessions before returning it:

def login(request: LoginRequest): LoginResponse = {
  passwords.get(request.username) match {
    case Some(password) if password == request.password =>
      val sessionId = generateSessionId
      sessions += (sessionId -> request.username)

    case Some(user) => PasswordIncorrect(request.username)
    case None       => UserNotFound(request.username)

def generateSessionId: String =

logout is much simpler because we always expect it to succeed. If the client passes us a valid SessionId, we remove it from sessions. Otherwise we simply do nothing:

def logout(sessionId: SessionId): Unit =
  sessions -= sessionId

Finally, whoami searches for a SessionId in sessions and responds with a Credentials or SessionNotFound object as appropriate:

def whoami(sessionId: SessionId): WhoamiResponse =
  sessions.get(sessionId) match {
    case Some(username) => Credentials(sessionId, username)
    case None           => SessionNotFound(sessionId)

2.7.5 Controllers

ChatController wraps each method from ChatService with a method that does two jobs: translate requests and responses to and from HTTP primitives, and authenticate each request from the client.

The first thing to do when handling any Request is to check whether the user has authenticated with AuthController. We do this using a help method that extracts a SessionId from a cookie, checks it against AuthService, and passes the extracted Credentials to a success function:

def withAuthenticatedUser ↩
    (request: Request[AnyContent]) ↩
    (func: Credentials => Result): Result =
  request.sessionCookieId match {
    case Some(sessionId) =>
      AuthService.whoami(sessionId) match {
        case res: Credentials     => func(res)
        case res: SessionNotFound => BadRequest("Not logged in!")
    case None => BadRequest("Not logged in!")

With the bulk of the work done, the index and submitMessage methods are trivial to implement:

def index = Action { request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) { creds =>

def submitMessage(text: String) = Action { request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) { creds =>, text)

AuthController is much simpler than ChatController because we have only chosen to implement an interface to the login method (we’ll implement more methods in future chapters). The Action here is simply mapping back and forth between HTTP data and Scala messages:

def login(username: Username, password: Password) =
  Action { request =>
    AuthService.login(LoginRequest(username, password)) match {
      case res: LoginSuccess =>
        Ok("Logged in!").withSessionCookie(res.sessionId)

      case res: UserNotFound =>
        BadRequest("User not found or password incorrect")

      case res: PasswordIncorrect =>
        BadRequest("User not found or password incorrect")

2.7.6 Exercise Summary

In this extended exercise we have implemented an application using a simple service-oriented architecture. We have made a clean split between service level code written in 100% strongly typed Scala, and controller level code to mediate between services and the network.

This two-way split of services and layers is useful for a number of reasons. It allows us to implement additional controllers on top of the same services, paving the way towards the eventual development of a REST API. It also forces us to think of chat and authentication as separate parts of our application, paving the way towards distribution as microservices.

APIs and microservices are to be delayed until later in this book, however. We will revisit the chat application at the end of the next chapter, armed with a knowledge of HTML and web form processing and ready to create a full web interface for our application!

3 HTML and Forms

In the last chapter we saw how to receive HTTP requests and send responses. However, we dealt exclusively with content of type text/plain. In this chapter we will generate HTML content using Play’s templating language, Twirl. We will also learn how to create HTML forms and parse and validate submitted form data.

3.1 Twirl Templates

Play uses a templating language called Twirl to generate HTML. Twirl templates look similar to PHP, ERB, or JSP code, comprising HTML content and embedded Scala expressions. Templates are compiled to function objects that can be called directly from regular Scala code. In this section we will look at the Twirl syntax and compilation process.

3.1.1 A First Template

Twirl templates resemble plain HTML with embedded Scala-like dynamic expressions:

<!-- In app/views/helloWorld.scala.html -->
@(name: String)

    <title>Hello @name</title>

    <p>Hello there, @name.toUpperCase!</p>

The first line of the template describes its parameters. The format is an @ sign followed by one or more Scala parameter lists. The rest of the template consists of HTML content. The syntax of the dynamic expressions is based on Scala code with some Twirl-specific tweaks. We’ll see more of this syntax later on.

Templates are compiled to Scala functions—objects with apply methods that accept the parameters declared in the template and return instances of play.twirl.api.Html:

package views.html

import play.twirl.api.Html

object helloWorld {
  def apply(name: String): Html = {
    // ...

Html objects are lightweight wrappers for content generated by the template. If we pass an Html value to Result constructor, Play automatically generates a Result of Content-Type: text/html:

def index = Action { request =>

3.1.2 File Names and Compiled Names

We place templates in the app/views folder and give them .scala.html filename extensions. Their compiled forms are named based on our filenames and placed in the views.html package. Here are some examples:

Template paths and their corresponding class names
Template file name Scala object name
views/helloWorld.scala.html views.html.helloWorld
views/user/loginForm.scala.html views.html.user.loginForm

Non-HTML Templates

Twirl templates can also be used to generate XML, Javascript, and plain text responses. The folders, packages, and return types vary, but otherwise these templates are identical to the HTML templates discussed here:

Template conventions for different types of content
Template type Source folder Filename extension Compiled package Return type
HTML app/views .scala.html views.html play.twirl.api.Html
XML app/views .scala.xml views.xml play.twirl.api.Xml
Javascript app/views .scala.js views.js play.twirl.api.Txt
Plain text app/views .scala.txt views.txt play.twirl.api.JavaScript

3.1.3 Parameters and Expressions

Twirl templates can have any number of parameters of arbitrary types. They also support features such as default parameter values, multiple parameter lists, and implicit parameter lists:

<!-- user.scala.html -->
@(user: User, showEmail: Boolean = true)(implicit obfs: EmailObfuscator)

  @if(showEmail) {

The template body is compiled to a single Scala expression that appends all the static and dynamic parts to a single Html object. Twirl uses runtime pattern matching to convert embedded expressions to HTML. Expressions are escaped to prevent malicious code injection.

Twirl embedded expression syntax is inspired by Scala syntax. Here is a brief synopsis—for more information see Play’s documentation on template syntax. Simple Expressions

Dynamic expressions are prefixed using the @ character. We don’t need to indicate the end of an expression—Twirl attempts to automatically work out where the Scala code ends and HTML begins:

<p>Hello, @"Dave".toUpperCase!</p>
<p>Hello, DAVE!</p>

Simple values such as Strings, Ints and Booleans yield representative text:

<p>@(1 + 1) == @2 is @(1 + 1 == 2)!</p>
<p>1 + 1 == 2 is true!</p>

Seqs, Arrays and Java collections yield content for every item:

<p>@List("foo", "bar", "baz")</p>

Optional values yield text content when full and no content when empty:

<p>@Some(0).filter(_ == 0)</p>
<p>@Some(1).filter(_ == 0)</p>

Finally, Unit expressions yield no content:

<p></p> Wrapped Expressions

Twirl occasionally has difficulty determining where dynamic code ends and static content begins. If this is a problem we can use parentheses or braces to delimit the dynamic content:

<p>The first answer is @(1 + 2).</p>

<p>The second answer is @{
  val a = 3
  val b = 4
  a + b
<p>The first answer is 3.</p>

<p>The second answer is 7.</p> Method Calls

Method calls can be written as usual. Twirl treats parameters between parentheses as Scala:

<p>The maximum is @math.max(1, 2, 3).</p>
<p>The maximum is 3.</p>

Methods of one parameter can be called using braces instead. Twirl parses the parameter between the braces as HTML:

  @(1 to 3).map { item =>
    <li>Item @item</li>
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>
</ul> Conditionals

If we delimit the true and false arms using braces, Twirl treats them as HTML. Otherwise they are treated as Scala code:

  @if(1 > 2) {
    <em>Help! All is wrong!</em>
  } else {
    <em>Phew! All is good.</em>
  <em>Phew! All is good.</em>

If we omit the false arm of a Scala conditional, it evaluates to Unit. Twirl renders this as empty content:

  Everything is
  @if(false) { NOT } ok.
  Eerything is
</p> Match Expressions

If we wrap the right-hand-sides of case clauses in braces, Twirl treats them as HTML content. Otherwise they are treated as Scala code:

  @List("foo", "bar", "baz") match {
    case Nil =>
      "the list is empty"

    case a :: b => {
        the list contains @a,
        and @(b.lenth) other items
    the list contains foo,
    and 2 other items
</p> For-Comprehensions

For-comprehensions are supported without the yield keyword, which is implicitly assumed in Twirl syntax:

  @for(item <- 1 to 3) {
    <li>Item @item</li>
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>
</ul> Pre-Defined Helpers

Twirl provides a defining method as a means of aliasing complex Scala expressions as single identifiers:

  @defining(1 + 2 + 3 + 4) { sum =>
    The answer is @sum.
  The answer is 10.

Play also provides a variety of pre-defined templates in the views.html.helper package. We will discuss some of these in the next section.

3.1.4 Nesting Templates

Because Twirl templates compile to Scala functions, we can call one template from another. We can also pass Html content from one template to another to create wrapper-style constructions:

<!-- app/views/main.scala.html -->

<!-- app/views/hello.scala.html -->
@(name: String)

@layout("Hello " + name) {
  <p>Hello there, @name.</p>

<!-- app/views/layout.scala.html -->
@(title: String)(body: Html)

    <title>Hello Dave</title>
    <p>Hello there, Dave.</p>

3.1.5 Take Home Points

We create HTML in Play using a templating language called Twirl.

We place Twirl templates in the app/views folder and give them the extension .scala.html.

Templates are compiled to singleton Scala functions in the views.html package.

Template functions accept whatever parameters we define and return instances of play.twirl.api.Html. Play understands how to serialize Html objects as content within Results. It even sets the Content-Type for us.

3.1.6 Exercise: Much Todo About Nothing

The chapter3-todo-view directory in the exercises contains an unfinished Play application for managing a todo list.

Complete the view part of this application by adding templates for the todo list and items. Your solution should:

Be sure to make a clean separation between HTML boilerplate (the elements) and the content of the todo list page. Create two templates:

The templates go in the app/views directory in separate files: app/views/pageLayout.scala.html and app/views/todoList.scala.html.

Here’s a minimal version of pageLayout.scala.html:

@(title: String)(content: => Html)

<!DOCTYPE html>

Note the two parameter lists in the template header. We’ve written the parameters like this to create a nice syntax for using the template. We can pass the title parameter as a regular Scala expression in parentheses and the content as an HTML expression in braces:

@pageLayout("My Page") {
  <p>This is my page!</p>

Here’s a minimal version of todoList.scala.html:

@(todoList: TodoList)

@pageLayout("Todo List") {
  <ul class="todo-list">
  @for(item <- todoList.items) {
    <li id="" class="todo-item">
        <input type="checkbox" @if(item.complete) { checked }>

The template accepts a single TodoList parameter and uses a for comprehension to iterate through the list. Note that Twirl’s for syntax doesn’t require us to write yield to produce results.

Finally, the template uses if to decide whether to write a checked attribute on the checkbox. We’ve used an if without an else, which omits the attribute if the todo item is incomplete.

3.2 Form Handling

In the previous section we saw how to send HTML data to web site users using Twirl templates. In this section we will look at receiving HTML form data from users.

Play’s form handling library is based on objects of type Forms are metadata objects that represent a combination of mapping information and form data. They allow us to perform four important operations:

  1. parse incoming request data to create typed values;
  2. validate the incoming data, allowing us to recover if the user made a mistake;
  3. generate HTML forms and inputs using stored data (and error messages from failed validations);
  4. populate generated HTML with values taken from data values.

We’ll start by looking at parsing and validation.

3.2.1 Forms and Mappings

Forms define mappings between form data and typed domain values from our domain model. Here’s an example:

case class Todo(name: String, priority: Int, complete: Boolean)

Play represents incoming form data as a Map[String, String]. The Form object helps us convert the incoming form data to a Todo value. We create a Form as follows:


val todoForm = Form(mapping(
  "name"      -> text,
  "priority"  -> number,
  "complete"  -> boolean

Let’s break this code down into its component parts. The methods text, number, and boolean come from They create field Mappings between Strings and the relevant type for each field of Todo. We could declare each mapping separately as follows:

val nameMapping:     Mapping[String]  = text
val priorityMapping: Mapping[Int]     = number
val tunaMapping:     Mapping[Boolean] = boolean

The mapping method, also from Forms, associates a name with each field and declares how to combine them together into an overall data value:

val todoMapping: Mapping[Todo] = mapping(
  "name"     -> text,
  "priority" -> number,
  "complete" -> boolean

The final Mapping can be used to create a Form of the relevant type:

val todoForm: Form[Todo] = Form(todoMapping)

We typically use the Form object and not the Mappings in application code, so we can write all of this as a single definition. This brings us back to the example we started with:

val todoForm = Form(mapping(
  "name"      -> text,
  "priority"  -> number,
  "complete"  -> boolean

3.2.2 Handling Form Data

A Form is a combination of the mappings we defined above and a set of data values. Our initial todoForm is empty, but we can combine it with incoming request data to create a populated form. This process is called binding the request:

val populatedForm = todoForm.bindFromRequest()(request)

Implicit requests

The request parameter of bindFromRequest is actually implicit. We can omit it if we declare the parameter to our Action implicit as well:

def submitForm = Action { implicit request =>
  val populatedForm = todoForm.bindFromRequest()
  // ... do something with `populatedForm` ...

bindFromRequest creates a new Form and populates it with data from request. Besides caching the data in its raw form, Form and attempts to parse and validate it to produce a Todo item. The result is stored along-side the original request data in the new populatedForm. Binding is a a non-destructive operation—todoForm is left untouched by the process.

There are two possible outcomes of binding a request:

Form stores the end result of the binding operation regardless of whether it succeeds or fails. We can extract the result using the fold method on Form, which accepts two function parameters to handle each case. fold returns the result of calling the relevant function:


trait Form[A] {
  def fold[B](hasErrors: Form[A] => B, success: A => B): B =
    // ...

It is common to call fold supplying failure and success functions that return Results. On failure we send the <form> back to the user with a set of error messages; on success we redirect the user to an appropriate page:

def submitTodoForm = Action { request =>
    // Failure function:
    (formContainingErrors: Form[Todo]) => {
      // Show the user a completed form with error messages:
    // Success function:
    (todo: Todo) => {
      // Save `todo` to a database and redirect:

3.2.3 Form Validation

Binding a request attempts to parse the incoming data, but it can also validate once parsed. The form API contains methods for creating validation constraints and adding them to mappings. Form.fold invokes our failure callback if any of our constraints are not satisfied:


val todoForm: Form[Todo] = Form(mapping(
  "name"      -> nonEmptyText,                        // cannot be ""
  "priority"  -> number.verifying(min(1) and max(3)), // must be 1 to 3
  "complete"  -> boolean                              // no validation

Play provides lots of options for parsing and validating, including adding multiple and custom validation constraints to fields and mapping hierarchical and sequential data. See the documentation for Forms, the Scaladoc for, and the Scaladoc for for more information.

3.2.4 Take Home Points

In this section we saw how to create Form objects and use them to parse and validate incoming form data.

We create Forms using Mappings defined using methods from

We extract data from requests using the bindFromRequest method of Form. Binding may succeed or fail, so we specify behaviours in either case using the fold method.

In the next section we will see how to use Forms to generate HTML <form> and <input> tags, pre-populate inputs with text taken from typed Scala data, and report error messages back to the user.

3.3 Generating Form HTML

In the previous section we saw how to use Forms to parse incoming request data from the browser. Forms also allow us to generate <form> tags that help the browser send data to us in the correct format. In this section we’ll use Forms to generate <form> and <input> elements and populate them with data and validation errors:

3.3.1 Forms and Inputs

Play provides several built-in templates in the views.html.helper package for generating <form> and <input> elements:

@(todoForm: Form[Todo])

@helper.form(action = routes.TodoController.submitTodoForm) {
  <button type="submit">OK</button>

If we place this file in app/views/todoFormTemplate.scala.html, we can invoke it as follows:


The generated HTML contains a <form> element and an <input> and <label> for each field, together with hints on which fields are numeric and boolean:

<form action="/todo" method="POST">
  <dl id="name_field">
    <dt><label for="name">name</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" id="name"
               name="name" value="" /></dd>
  <dl id="priority_field">
    <dt><label for="priority">priority</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" id="priority"
               name="priority" value="" /></dd>
    <dd class="info">Numeric</dd>
  <dl id="complete_field">
    <dt><label for="complete">complete</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="checkbox" id="complete"
               name="complete" value="true" /></dd>
    <dd class="info">format.boolean</dd>
  <button type="submit">OK</button>


Notice the text "format.boolean" in the generated HTML. This is an uninternationalized message that has crept through due to a missing value in Play’s default string tables. We can fix the broken message by providing our own internationalization for our application. See the linked documentation for details.

3.3.2 Pre-Filling Forms

Sometimes we want to pre-fill a Form with data taken from a database. We can do this with the fill method, which returns a new Form filled with input values:

val populatedForm = todoForm.fill(Todo("Start Essential Scala", 1, true))
val populatedHtml = views.html.todoFormTemplate(populatedForm)

The <inputs> in the populatedHtml here have their value and checked attributes set to appropriate starting values:

<form action="/todo" method="POST">
  <dl id="name_field">
    <dt><label for="name">name</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" id="name"
               name="name" value="Start Essential Scala" /></dd>
  <dl id="priority_field">
    <dt><label for="priority">priority</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" id="priority"
               name="priority" value="1" /></dd>
    <dd class="info">Numeric</dd>
  <dl id="complete_field">
    <dt><label for="complete">complete</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="checkbox" id="complete"
               name="complete" value="true" checked="checked" /></dd>
    <dd class="info">format.boolean</dd>
  <button type="submit">OK</button>

3.3.3 Displaying Validation Errors

If we fail to bind a request in our Action, Play calls the failure argument in our call to Form.fold. The argument to our failure function is a Form containing a complete set of validation error messages. If we pass the Form with errors to our form template, Play will add the error messages to the generated HTML:

val badData = Map(
  "name"     -> "Todo",
  "priority" -> "unknown",
  "complete" -> "maybe"

  (errorForm: Form[Todo]) => {
  (todo: Todo) => {

The resulting HTML contains extra <dd class="error"> tags describing the errors:

<form action="/todo" method="POST">
  <dl class=" " id="name_field">
    <dt><label for="name">Todo name</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" id="name"
               name="name" value="Todo" /></dd>
  <dl class=" error" id="priority_field">
    <dt><label for="priority">priority</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" id="priority"
               name="priority" value="unknown" /></dd>
    <dd class="error">Numeric value expected</dd>
  <dl class=" error" id="complete_field">
    <dt><label for="complete">complete</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="checkbox" id="complete"
               name="complete" value="true" /></dd>
    <dd class="error">error.boolean</dd>
    <dd class="info">format.boolean</dd>
  <button type="submit">OK</button>

3.3.4 Customising the HTML

We can tweak the HTML for our inputs by passing extra arguments to inputText and checkbox:

Twirl code:

  'id     -> "todoname",
  '_label -> "Todo name",
  '_help  -> "Enter the name of your todo"

Resulting HTML:

<dl id="todoname_field">
  <dt><label for="todoname">Todo name</label></dt>
  <dd><input type="text" id="todoname" name="name" value=""></dd>
  <dd class="info">Enter the name of your todo</dd>

The extra parameters are keyword/value pairs of type (Symbol, String). Most keywords add or replace attributes on the <input> element. Certain special keywords starting with an _ change the HTML in other ways:

See the Play documentation on field constructors for a complete list of special keywords.

Custom Field Constructors

Sometimes small tweaks to the HTML aren’t enough. We can make comprehensive changes to the HTML structure by specifying a field constructor in our template. See the documentation on field constructors for more information.

This StackOverflow post contains information on using a custom field constructor to generate Twitter Bootstrap compatible form HTML.

3.3.5 Take Home Points

Forms can be used to generate HTML as well as parse request data.

There are numerous helpers in the views.html.helper package that we can use in our templates, including the following:

The HTML we generate contains values and error messages as well as basic form structure. We can use this to generate pre-populated forms or feedback to user error.

We can tweak the generated HTML by passing extra parameters to helpers such as inputText and checkbox, or make broad sweeping changes using a custom field constructor.

3.3.6 Exercise: A Simple Formality

The chapter3-todo-form directory in the exercises contains an application based on the solution to the previous exercise, Much Todo About Nothing.

Modify this application to add a form for creating new todo items. Place the form under the current todo list and allow the user to label the new todo and optionally imediately mark it complete.

Start by defining a Form[Todo]. Either place the form in TodoController or create a TodoFormHelpers trait in a similar vein to TodoDataHelpers. Note that the Todo class in the exercise is different from the example Todo class used in examples in this chapter. You will have to update the example field mapping accordingly.

Once your Form is compiling, turn your attention to the page template. Pass a Form as a parameter and render the relevant HTML using the helper methods described above. Use the pre-defined TodoController.submitTodoForm action to handle the form submission.

Finally, fill out the definition of TodoController.submitTodoForm. Extract the form data from the request, run the validation, and respond appropriately. If the form is valid, create a new Todo, add it to todoList, and redirect to TodoController.index. Otherwise return the form to the user showing any validation errors encountered.

The minimal Form definition provides mappings for each of the three fields: id, label, and complete. We use Play’s nonEmptyText helper as a shortcut for text.verifying(nonEmpty):

val todoForm: Form[Todo] = Form(mapping(
  "id"        -> text,
  "label"     -> nonEmptyText,
  "complete"  -> boolean

The model solution goes one step beyond this by defining a custom constraint for the optional UUID-formatted id field:

import scala.util.matching.Regex

val uuidRegex: Regex =

val uuidConstraint: Constraint[String] =
  pattern(regex = uuidRegex, name = "UUID", error = "error.uuid")

val todoForm: Form[Todo] = Form(mapping(
  "id"        -> optional(text.verifying(uuidConstraint)),
  "label"     -> nonEmptyText,
  "complete"  -> boolean

If the browser submits a form with a malformed id, this constraint will pick it up. The error.uuid error code is our own invention—it won’t appear in a human-friendly format in the web page if the constraint is violated, but it is fine for debugging purposes.

Here is a minimal template to render this form in HTML. We’ve factored the code out into its own file, todoForm.scala.html:

@(form: Form[models.Todo])

@helper.form(action = routes.TodoController.submitTodoForm, 'class -> "todo-form") {
    '_class -> "todo-complete",
    '_label -> "",
    '_help -> ""

    '_class -> "todo-label",
    '_label -> "",
    '_help -> "",
    'placeholder -> "Enter a new todo"

  <button type="submit">Create</button>

We don’t need to add the id field to the HTML because new Todos always have an id of None. If we wanted to edit Todos as well as create them we’d have to add a hidden field as follows:

<input type="hidden" name="id" value="@form("id").value">

We need to update todoList.scala.html and TodoController.renderTodoList to pass the Form through. Here’s renderTodoList:

def renderTodoList(todoList: TodoList, form: Form[Todo]): Html =
  views.html.todoList(todoList, form)

and here’s todoList.scala.html:

@(todoList: TodoList, form: Form[models.Todo])

@import models._

@pageLayout("Todo") {
  <h2>My current todos</h2>

  <!-- Render the todo list... -->

  <h2>Add a new todo</h2>


With this infrastructure in place we can implement submitTodoForm:

def submitTodoForm = Action { implicit request =>
    hasErrors = { errorForm =>
      BadRequest(renderTodoList(todoList, errorForm))
    success = { todo =>
      todoList = todoList.addOrUpdate(todo)

Extra Credit Exercise

If you get the create form working, as an extended exercise you could try modifying the page so that every todo item is editable. You have free reign to decide how to do this—there are a few options available to you:

  • You can create separate Forms and Actions for creating and editing Todos. You will have to define custom mappings between the Forms and the Todo class.

  • You can re-use your existing Form and submitTodoForm for both purposes. You’ll have to update the definition of submitTodoForm to examine the id field and see if it was submitted.

See the solutions branch for a complete model solution using the second of these approaches.

3.4 Serving Static Assets

It’s a shame, but we can’t yet implement web sites in 100% Scala (although some valiant souls are working on getting us there). There are other resources that need to be bundled with our HTML, including, CSS, Javascript, image assets, and fonts. Play includes a build system called sbt-web help compile and serve non-Scala assets.

3.4.1 The Assets Controller

Play provides an Assets controller for serving static files from the filesystem. This is ideal for images, fonts, CSS, and Javascript files. To configure the controller, simply add the following to the end of your routes:

GET  /assets/*file"/public", file)

Make a directory called public in the root directory of your project. The Assets controller serves any files in the public directory under the /assets URL prefix. It also provides reverse routes to calculate the URL of any file given its path relative to public—extremely useful when writing page layout templates:

Local filename Local URL Reverse route
public/images/cat.jpg /assets/images/cat.jpg"images/cat.jpg")
public/audio/meow.mp3 /assets/audio/meow.mp3"audio/meow.mp3")

3.4.2 Compiling Assets

Play uses the sbt-web build system to provide an extensive and customisable range of build steps for static assets, including:

See the Play documentation on assets and the sbt-web web site for more information.

3.5 Extended Exercise: Chat Room Part 2

It’s time to revisit our extended exercise from Chapter 2 armed with our new-found knowledge of HTML and web forms.

In the chapter3-chat directory in the exercises you will find updated source code for the internet chat application. We’ve included the relevant parts of the solution from Chapter 2 and created new TODOs in ChatController.scala and AuthController.scala.

3.5.1 The Login Page

Start by implementing loginForm, login, and submitLogin in AuthController. Use AuthService to check the incoming form data. Keep displaying the login form until the user enters correct credentials. When the user logs in successfully, use loginRedirect to redirect to ChatController.index and set a session cookie.

Let’s start with loginForm, which maps incoming form data to LoginRequest messages:

val loginForm = Form(mapping(
  "username" -> nonEmptyText,
  "password" -> nonEmptyText

The login endpoint simply passes an empty loginForm to a template:

def login = Action { request =>

We won’t recreate the complete HTML here, suffice to say that it accepts a Form as a parameter and uses Play’s form helpers to render a <form> tag:

@(loginForm: Form[services.AuthServiceMessages.LoginRequest])


@helper.form(action = routes.AuthController.submitLogin) {
    '_label -> "Username",
    'class -> "form-control"
    '_label -> "Password",
    'class -> "form-control"
  <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">OK</button>

The submitLogin action (which is defined as a POST route in the routes file) parses the incoming request data using loginForm and either redirects the user or redisplays the same page with error messages:

def submitLogin = Action { implicit request =>
  val form = loginForm.bindFromRequest()

    hasErrors = { form: Form[LoginRequest] =>
    success = { loginReq: LoginRequest =>
      AuthService.login(loginReq) match {
        case res: LoginSuccess =>

        case res: UserNotFound =>

        case res: PasswordIncorrect =>

def addLoginError(form: Form[LoginRequest]) =
  form.withError("username", "User not found or password incorrect")

This code demonstrates the elegance of modelling service requests and responses as families of case classes and sealed traits. We simply provide mappings to and from HTML form data, call the relevant service methods, and pattern match on the results.

3.5.2 The Chat Page

Now implement a simple ChatController.index that checks whether the user is logged in and returns a list of Messages from ChatService. Use the withAuthenticatedUser helper to check the login.

The initial implementation of index is straightforward—withAuthenticatedUser does most of the work for us:

def index = Action { implicit request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) { creds =>

A minimal chatroom template takes a Seq[Message] as a parameter and renders a <ul> of messages:

@(messages: Seq[services.ChatServiceMessages.Message], chatForm: Form[controllers.ChatController.ChatRequest])


  @for(message <- messages) {
    <li> @message.text</li>

See our model solution for the complete HTML.

Once your web page is working, implement chatForm and hook up submitMessage. Include HTML for chatForm in your web page to create a complete chat application!

Note that there is a disparity between the information form data and the information you need to pass to ChatService. takes two parameters: the author of the message and the text to post. The text needs to come from the web form but the author can be extracted from the user’s authenticated credentials.

chatForm only needs to collect the message text from the user. Here’s a minimal implementation that reads a single String:

val chatForm: Form[String] =
  Form("text" -> nonEmptyText)

Even though this minimal implementation will suffice, it’s not a bad idea to create an explicit type for the data we want to read from the form. This improves the type-safety of our codebase and makes it easier to add extra fields in the future. Here’s an alternate implementation of chatForm that wraps the incoming text in a ChatRequest:

case class ChatRequest(text: String)

val chatForm = Form(mapping(
  "text" -> nonEmptyText

The submitMessage action checks the user is logged in and uses the Credentials from AuthService to provide the author for the call to

def submitMessage = Action { implicit request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) { creds =>
      hasErrors = { form: Form[ChatRequest] =>
        Ok(views.html.chatroom(ChatService.messages, form))
      success = { chatReq: ChatRequest =>, chatReq.text)
        Ok(views.html.chatroom(ChatService.messages, chatForm))

Finally, we have to add a second Form parameter to our template:

@(messages: Seq[services.ChatServiceMessages.Message],
  chatForm: Form[controllers.ChatController.ChatRequest])


@helper.form(action = routes.ChatController.submitMessage) {
    '_label -> "Write a message...",
    'class -> "form-control"
  <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">OK</button>

The model solution adds a helper method to simplify calling the view. The user passes in a Form and the helper grabs the Messages from ChatService:

private def chatRoom(form: Form[ChatRequest] = chatForm): Result =
  Ok(views.html.chatroom(ChatService.messages, form))

4 Working with JSON

JSON is probably the most popular data format used in modern web services. Play ships with a built-in library for reading, writing, and manipulating JSON data, unsurpisingly called play-json. In this chapter we will discuss the techniques and best practices for handling JSON in your web applications.

Using play-json without Play

It’s easy to use play-json in non-Play Scala applications. You can specify it as a dependency by adding the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-json" % PLAY_VERSION

where PLAY_VERSION is the full Play version number as a string, for example “2.3.4”.

4.1 Modelling JSON

Play models JSON data using a family of case classes of type play.api.libs.json.JsValue, representing each of the data types in the JSON specification:

package play.api.libs.json

sealed trait JsValue
final case class JsObject(fields: Seq[(String, JsValue)]) extends JsValue
final case class JsArray(values: Seq[JsValue]) extends JsValue
final case class JsString(value: String) extends JsValue
final case class JsNumber(value: Double) extends JsValue
final case class JsBoolean(value: Boolean) extends JsValue
final case object JsNull extends JsValue

In this section we will discuss basic JSON manipulation and traversal, which is useful for ad hoc operations on JSON data. In the following sections we will see how to define mappings between JsValues and types from our domain, and use them to validate the JSON we receive in Requests.

4.1.1 Representing JSON in Scala

We can represent any fragment of JSON data using JsValue and its subtypes:


  "name": "Dave",
  "age": 35,
  "likes": [
  "dislikes": null

Equivalent JsValue

  "name" -> JsString("Dave"),
  "age" -> JsNumber(35.0),
  "likes" -> JsArray(Seq(
  "dislikes" -> JsNull

The Scala code above is much longer than raw JSON—the JsString and JsNumber wrappers add to the verbosity. Fortunately, Play provides two methods on play.api.libs.json.Json that omit a lot of the boilerplate:

Here’s an example of this in action. Note that the DSL code on the left is much terser than constructor code on the right:

DSL Syntax

  "name" -> "Dave",
  "age" -> 35,
  "likes" -> Json.arr(
  "dislikes" -> JsNull

Constructor Syntax

  "name" -> JsString("Dave"),
  "age" -> JsNumber(35.0),
  "likes" -> JsArray(Seq(
  "dislikes" -> JsNull

4.1.2 JSON Requests and Results

As we saw in Chapter 2, Play contains built-in functionality for extracting JsValues from Request[AnyContent] and serializing them in Results:

def index = Action { request =>
  request.body.asJson match {
    case Some(json) =>
        "message" -> "The request contained JSON data",
        "data"    -> json

    case None =>
        "message" -> "The request contained no JSON data"

If we’re writing API endpoint that must accept JSON, we can use the built-in JSON body parser to receive a Request[JsValue] instead. Play will respond with a 400 Bad Request result if the request does not contain JSON:

import play.api.mvc.BodyParsers.parse

// If we use the Action.apply(bodyParser)(handlerFunction) method here...
def index = Action(parse.json) { request =>
  // ...the request body is automaically JSON -- no need to call `asJson`:
  val json: JsValue = request.body

    "message" -> "The request contained JSON data",
    "data"    -> json

Parsing and Stringifying JSON

As Play provides us with the means to extract JsValues from incoming Requests, we typically don’t have to directly parse stringified JSON ourselves. If we do, we can use the parse method of play.api.libs.json.Json:

Json.parse("""{ "name": "Dave", "age": 35 }""")
// res0: JsValue = JsObject(Seq(
//   ("name", JsString("Dave")),
//   ("age",  JsNumber(35.0))))

Json.parse("""[ 1, 2, 3 }""")
// throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException

The compliment of Json.parse is Json.stringify, which converts a JsValue to a minified string. We can also use Json.prettyPrint to format the string with newlines and indentation:

Json.stringify(Json.obj("name" -> "Dave", "age" -> 35))
// res1: String = """{"name":"Dave","age":35}"""

Json.prettyPrint(Json.obj("name" -> "Dave", "age" -> 35))
// res2: String = """{
//    "name": "Dave",
//    "age": 35
// }"""

4.1.3 Deconstructing and Traversing JSON Data

Getting data out of a request is just the first step in reading it. A client can pass us any data it likes—valid or invalid—so we need to know how to traverse JsValues and extract the fields we need. Pattern Matching

One way of deconstructing JsValues is to use pattern matching. This is convenient as the subtypes are all case classes and case objects:

val json = Json.parse("""
  "name": "Dave",
  "likes": [ "Scala", "Coffee", "Pianos" ]
// json: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = ↩
//   {"name":"Dave","likes":["Scala","Coffee","Pianos"]}

json match {
  case JsObject(fields) => "Object with fields: " + (fields mkString ", ")
  case JsArray(values)  => "Array with values: " + (values mkString ", ")
  case other            => "Single value: " + other
// res0: String = Object with fields: ↩
//   (name,"Dave"), ↩
//   (likes,["Scala","Coffee","Pianos"]) Traversal Methods

Pattern matching only gets us so far. We can’t easily search through the children of a JsObject or JsArray without looping. Fortunately, JsValue contains three methods to drill down to specific fields before we match:

Here is an example of each type of traversal in operation:

val json = Json.arr(
    "name"  -> "Dave",
    "likes" -> Json.arr("Scala", "Coffee", "Pianos")
    "name"  -> "Noel",
    "likes" -> Json.arr("Scala", "Cycling", "Barbequeues")
// json: play.api.libs.json.JsArray = [ ↩
//   {"name":"Dave","likes":["Scala","Coffee","Pianos"]}, ↩
//   {"name":"Noel","likes":["Scala","Cycling","Barbequeues"]}]

val person: JsValue = json(0)
// person: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = ↩
//   {"name":"Dave","likes":["Scala","Coffee","Pianos"]}

val name: JsValue = person \ "name"
// name: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = "Dave"

val likes: Seq[JsValue] = json \\ "likes"
// likes: Seq[play.api.libs.json.JsValue] = ArrayBuffer( ↩
//   ["Scala","Coffee","Pianos"], ↩
//   ["Scala","Cycling","Barbequeues"])

This raises the question: what happens when we use \ and apply and the specified field doesn’t exist? We can see from the Scaladoc for play.api.libs.json.JsValue that each method returns a JsValue—how do the methods represent failure?

We lied earlier about the subtypes of JsValue. There is a actually a sixth subtype, JsUndefined, that Play uses to represent the failure to find a field:

case class JsUndefined(error: => String) extends JsValue

The \, apply, and \\ methods of JsUndefined each themselves return JsUndefined. This means we can freely traverse JSON data using sequences of operations without worrying about failure:

val x: JsValue = json \ "badname"
// x: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = JsUndefined( ↩
//   'badname' is undefined on object: [{"name":"Dave", ...

val y: JsValue = json(2)
// y: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = JsUndefined( ↩
//   Array index out of bounds in [{"name":"Dave", ...

val z: JsValue = json(2) \ "name"
// z: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = JsUndefined( ↩
//   'name' is undefined on object: JsUndefined( ↩
//     Array index out of bounds in [{"name":"Dave",...

In the example, the expression to calculate z actually fails twice: first at the call to apply(2) and second at the call to \ "name". The implementation of JsUndefined carries the errors over into the final result, where the error message (if we choose to examine it) tells us exactly what went wrong. Parsing Methods

We can use two methods, as and asOpt, to convert JSON data to regular Scala types.

The as method is most useful when exploring JSON in the REPL or unit tests:

val name = (json(0) \ "name").as[String]
// name: String = Dave

If as cannot convert the data to the type requested, it throws a run-time exception. This makes it dangerous for use in production code:

val name = (json(0) \ "name").as[Int]
// play.api.libs.json.JsResultException: ↩
//   JsResultException(List( ↩
//      (JsPath, List(ValidationError(error.expected.jsnumber)))))
//   at ...
//   at ...
//   at ...

The asOpt method provides a safer way to extract data—it attempts to parse the JSON as the desired type, and returns None if it fails. This is a better choice for use in application code:

scala> val name = (json(0) \ "name").asOpt[Int]
// name: Option[Int] = None

Extracting data with as and asOpt

We might reasonably ask the questions: what Scala data types to as and asOpt work with, and how do they know the JSON encodings of those types?

Each method accepts an implicit parameter of type Reads[T] that explains how to parse JSON as the target type T. Play provides default Reads implementations for basic types such as String and Seq[Int], and we can define custom Reads for our own types. We will cover Reads in detail later in this Chapter. Putting It All Together

Traversal and pattern matching are complimentary techniques for dissecting JSON data. We can extract specific fields using traversal, and pattern match on them to extract Scala values:

json match {
  case JsArray(people) =>
    for((person, index) <- people.zipWithIndex) {
      (person \ "name") match {
        case JsString(name) =>
          println(s"Person $index name is $name")

  case _ =>
    // Not an array of people

This approach is convenient for ad-hoc operations on semi-structured data. However, it is cumbersome for complex parsing and validation. In the next sections we will introduce formats that map JSON data onto Scala types, allowing us to read and write complex values in a single step.

4.1.4 Take Home Points

We represent JSON data in Play using objects of type JsValue.

We can easily extract JsValues from Requests[AnyContent], and serialize them in Results.

We can extract meaningful Scala values from JsValues using a combination of pattern matching and traversal methods (\, \\ and apply).

Pattern matching and traversal only tend to be convenient in simple situations. They quickly become cumbersome when operating on complex data. In the next sections we will introduce Writes, Reads, and Format objects to map complex Scala data types to JSON.

4.2 Writing JSON

The application code in a typical REST API operates on a domain model consisting of sealed traits and case classes. When we have finished an operation, we have to take the result, convert it to JSON, and wrap it in a Result to send it to the client.

4.2.1 Meet Writes

We convert Scala values to JSON using the play.api.libs.json.Writes trait:

trait Writes[A] {
  def writes(value: A): JsValue

Play provides built-in Writes for many standard data types, and we can create Writes by hand for any data type we want to serialize.

Play also provides a simple one-liner of defining a Writes for a case class:

case class Address(number: Int, street: String)

val addressWrites: Writes[Address] = Json.writes[Address]

Json.writes is a macro that inspects the Address type and generates code to define a sensible Writes. The macro saves us some typing but it only works on case classes. We’ll see how to define Writes by hand later on.

addressWrites is an object that can serialize an Address to a JsObject with sensible field names and values:

// Create an address:
val address = Address(29, "Acacia Road")

// Convert it to JSON:
val json: JsValue = addressWrites.writes(address)
// json: JsValue = Json.obj("number" -> 29, "street" -> "Acacia Road")

4.2.2 Implicit Writes

Let’s look at a more complicated example—what happens when we try to define a Writes for a nested data structure?

case class Address(number: Int, street: String)
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)

val personFormat = Json.writes[Person]
// compile error: No implicit format for Address available

The object generated by Json.writes assumes that there is an implicit Writes available for each field in the type being written:

Play defines built-in Writes instances for common data types like Int and String (see play.api.libs.json.DefaultWrites for details), but there is no predefined implicit Writes for Address. We need to define this ourselves and make it available as an implicit value:

case class Address(number: Int, street: String)
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)

implicit val addressWrites = Json.writes[Address]
val personWrites = Json.writes[Person]
// personWrites: play.api.libs.json.OWrites[Person] = ...

4.2.3 The Json.toJson Method

We can use our new personWrites to serialize data just as we did with addressWrites:

val json: JsValue = personWrites.writes( ↩
  Person("Eric Wimp", Address(29, "Acacia Road")))
// json: JsValue = JsObject(List( ↩
//   ("name", JsString("Eric Wimp")), ↩
//   ("street", JsObject(List( ↩
//     ("number", JsNumber(29)), ↩
//     ("street", JsString("Acacia Road")))))))

However, using different Writes objects to serialize each type in our application is inconvenient—we have to remember the variable name for each Writes and we can’t write generic code to abstract over serializable data types.

Fortunately, Play provides the Json.toJson method, which accepts a value of type A and an implicit parameter of type Writes[A]. Here’s the implementation:

package play.api.libs.json

object Json {
  // ...

  def toJson[A](value: A)(implicit w: Writes[A]): JsValue =

  // ...

Using this method we can serialize any data type as long as there is an appropriate implicit Writes in scope:

case class Address(number: Int, street: String)
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)

implicit val addressWrites = Json.writes[Address]
implicit val personWrites  = Json.writes[Person]

Json.toJson(Address(29, "Acacia Road"))
// res0: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = ↩
//   {"number":29,"street":"Acacia Road"}

Json.toJson(Person("Eric Wimp", Address(29, "Acacia Road")))
// res1: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = ↩
//   {"name":"Eric Wimp","address":{"number":29,"street":"Acacia Road"}}

def genericOkResult[A](value: A)(implicit valueWrites: Writes[A]): Result =

genericOkResult(Address(29, "Acacia Road"))
// res2: play.api.mvc.Result = ↩
//   Ok({"number":29,"street":"Acacia Road"})

Veterans of Underscore’s Essential Scala will recognise this as the type class pattern!

Writes Best Practices

Because Writes is a type class, we can conveniently apply the type class pattern to our web applications:

  • Define our data model as a set of case classes to take advantage of the Json.writes macro.
  • Define an implicit Writes in the companion object for each case class.
  • Use Json.toJson to serialize data as JSON.
  • Use implicit parameters (or context bounds) wherever we want to write code to serialize arbitrary types.

4.2.4 Take Home Points

We convert Scala data to JSON using instances of play.api.libs.json.Writes.

Play provides a convenient macro, Json.writes, to define a Writes for case classes. If we’re not dealing with case classes, we have to create Writes by hand. We’ll cover hand-written Writes in detail later on.

We can use the Json.toJson method to serialize any data type for which we have an implicit Writes in scope. We therefore typically define Writes in companion objects or singleton library object, and bring them into scope wherever we need them to create a JSON Result.

4.3 Reading JSON

In the previous section we saw how to use Writes and Json.toJson to convert domain objects to JSON. In this section we will look at the opposite process—reading JSON data from a Request and converting them to domain objects.

4.3.1 Meet Reads

We parse incoming JSON using instances of the play.api.libs.json.Reads trait. Play also defines a Json.reads macro and a Json.fromJson method that compliment Json.writes and Json.toJson. Here’s a synopsis:

import play.api.libs.json._

case class Address(number: Int, street: String)
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)

implicit val addressReads = Json.reads[Address]
implicit val personReads  = Json.reads[Person]

// This compiles because we have a `Reads[Address]` in scope:
  "number" -> 29,
  "street" -> "Acacia Road"
// res0: play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Address] = ↩
//   JsSuccess(Address(29,Acacia Road),)

// This compiles because we have a `Reads[Person]` in scope:
  "name"    -> "Eric Wimp",
  "address" -> Json.obj(
    "number" -> 29,
    "street" -> "Acacia Road"
// res1: play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Person] = ↩
//   JsSuccess(Person(Eric Wimp,Address(29,Acacia Road)),)

So far so good—reading JSON data is at least superficially similar to writing it.

4.3.2 Embracing Failure

The main difference between reading and writing JSON is that reading can fail. Reads handles this by wrapping return values in an Either-like data structure called play.api.libs.json.JsResult.

JsResult[A] has two subtypes:

Like Form, which we covered in Chapter 2, JsResult has a fold method that allows us to branch based on the success/failure of a read:

// Attempt to read JSON as an Address---might succeed or fail:
val result: JsResult[Address] = addressReads.reads(json)

  errors  => println("The JSON was bad: "  + errors),
  address => println("The JSON was good: " + address)

We can equivalently use pattern matching to inspect the result:

result match {
  case JsError(errors) =>
    println("The JSON was bad: " + errors)

  case JsSuccess(address, _) =>
    println("The JSON was good: " + address)

The address parameters in these examples are of type Address, while the errors parameters are sequences of structured error messages.

4.3.3 Errors and JsPaths

The read errors in JsError have the type Seq[(JsPath, Seq[ValidationError])]:

Here’s an example:

val result = Json.fromJson[Person](Json.obj(
  "address" -> Json.obj(
    "number" -> "29",
    "street" -> JsNull
// result: JsResult[Person] = JsError(List(
//   (JsPath \ "address" \ "number", ↩
//     List(ValidationError("error.expected.jsnumber"))), ↩
//   (JsPath \ "address" \ "street", ↩
//     List(ValidationError("error.expected.jsstring"))), ↩
//   (JsPath \ "name", ↩
//     List(ValidationError("error.path.missing"))))

The most interesting parts of the data are the JsPaths that describe locations of the errors. Each JsPath describes the sequence of field and array accessors required to locate a particular value in the JSON.

We build paths starting with the singleton object JsPath, representing an empty path. We can use the following methods to construct new paths by appending segments:

The resulting path describes the location of a field or array item relative the the root of our JSON value. Here are some examples:

JsPaths, their meanings, and their Javascript equivalents
Scala expression JS equivalent Meaning
JsPath root The root JSON array or object
JsPath \ "a" root.a The field a in the root object
JsPath(2) root[2] The third item in the root array
JsPath \ "a" \ "b" root.a.b The field b in the field a
(JsPath \ "a") apply 2 root.a[2] The third item in the array a

Obviously, JsPaths impose implicit assumptions on the structure of the objects and arrays in our data. However, we can safely assume that the JsPaths in our errors point to valid locations in the data being parsed.

Reads Best Practices

We can use Scala’s type system to eliminate many sources of programmer error. It makes sense to parse incoming JSON as soon as possible using Json.fromJson, to convert it to well-typed data from our domain model.

If the read operation fails, the JsPaths in our error data indicate the locations of any read errors. We can use this information to send an informative 400 Bad Request Result to the client:

 * Create a `JsArray` describing the errors in `err`.
def errorJson(err: JsError): JsArray = {
  val fields = for {
    (path, errors) <- err.errors
  } yield {
    val name  = path.toJsonString
    val value = => JsString(error.message))
    (name, value)


 * Extract the JSON body from `request`, read it as type `A`
 * and then pass it to `func`.
 * If anything goes wrong, immediately return a
 * *400 Bad Request* result describing the failure.
def withRequestJson[A](request: Request[AnyContent])(fn: A => Result)
    (implicit reads: Reads[A]): Result = {
  request.body.asJson match {
    case Some(body) =>
      Json.fromJson(body) match {
        case success: JsSuccess[A] => fn(success.value)
        case error: JsError        => BadRequest(errorJson(error))

    case None =>
      BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> "Request body was not JSON"))

// Example use case:
def index = Action { request =>
  withRequestJson[Person](request) { person =>

4.3.4 Take Home Points

We convert Scala data to JSON using instances of play.api.libs.json.Reads.

Play provides a Json.reads macro and Json.fromJson method that mirror Json.writes and Json.toJson.

When reading JSON data we have to deal with the possible read errors. The reads method of Reads[A] returns values of type JsResult[A] to indicate success/failure.

JsError contains ValidationError objects for each read error, mapped against JsPaths representing the location of the errors in our JSON. We can use this data to report errors back to the client.

4.4 JSON Formats

In the previous sections we saw how to use the Reads and Writes traits to convert between JSON and well-typed Scala data. In this section we introduce a third trait, Format, that subsumes both Reads and Writes.

4.4.1 Meet Format

We often want to describe reading and writing together at the same time. The Format trait is a convenience that allows us to do just that:

package play.api.libs.json

trait Format[A] extends Reads[A] with Writes[A]

Because Format is a subtype of Reads and Writes, it can be used by both Json.toJson and Json.fromJson as described in the previous sections. Play also defines a convient macro, Json.format, to define a format for a case class in one line. Here’s a synopsis:

case class Address(number: Int, street: String)
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)

implicit val addressFormat = Json.format[Address]
implicit val personFormat  = Json.format[Person]

// This compiles because we have a `Writes[Address]` in scope:
Json.toJson(Address(29, "Acacia Road"))

// This compiles because we have a `Reads[Person]` in scope:
  "name"    -> "Eric Wimp",
  "address" -> Json.obj(
    "number" -> 29,
    "street" -> "Acacia Road"

Format is really just a convenience. We can do everything we need to using Reads and Writes, but sometimes it is simpler to group both sets of functionality in a single object.

4.4.2 Take Home Points

Format[A] is a subtype of Reads[A] and Writes[A] that provides both sets of functionality and can be used with Json.toJson and Json.fromJson.

Play provides the Json.format macro that defines Formats for case classes.

It is often convenient to use Formats to define reading and writing functionality in one go. However, it is sometimes necessary or convenient to define Reads and Writes separately.

4.4.3 Exercise: Message in a Bottle

The chapter4-macro directory in the exercises contains an example Message datatype and unit tests testing its serialization to/from JSON.

Use Play’s Json.format macro to define a Format[Message] that passes the unit tests. Don’t alter the tests in any way!

Plain SBT Project

The code in this exercise is a plain Scala project rather than a Play application. You will notice the following differences from the Play web applications you’ve been working with:

  • the SBT prompt is a simple > rather than the usual colour-coded project name;
  • application source is in the src/main/scala directory instead of app;
  • unit test source is in the src/test/scala directory instead of test.

You can still run the unit tests with the test and ~test commands in SBT.

Play’s macro defines everything for us in a single line. Be sure to mark your format as implicit so the unit tests can pick it up:

implicit val messageFormat = Json.format[Message]

4.5 Custom Formats: Part 1

So far in this chapter we have seen how to use the Json.reads, Json.writes and Json.format macros to define Reads, Writes and Formats for case classes. In this section, we will see what we can do when we are dealing with types that aren’t case classes.

4.5.1 Writing Formats by Hand

Play’s JSON macros don’t do anything for hierarchies of types—we have to implement these formats ourselves. Enumerations are a classic example covered below. There is a separate section at the end of this chapter that extends this pattern to generalized hierarchies of types.

Consider the following enumeration:

sealed trait Color
case object Red   extends Color
case object Green extends Color
case object Blue  extends Color

Using pattern matching, we can easily create a simple format to render these colours as string constants—"red", "green" and "blue":

import play.api.libs.json._

implicit object colorFormat extends Format[Color] {
  def writes(color: Color): JsValue = color match {
    case Red   => JsString("red")
    case Green => JsString("green")
    case Blue  => JsString("blue")

  def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Color] = json match {
    case JsString("red")   => JsSuccess(Red)
    case JsString("green") => JsSuccess(Green)
    case JsString("blue")  => JsSuccess(Blue)
    case other =>
      JsError(ValidationError("error.invalid.color", other))

We can easily adapt this code to create a separate Reads or Writes—we simply extend Reads or Writes instead of Format and remove the definition of writes or reads as appropriate.


Note the construction of the JsError, which mimics the way Play handles internationalization of error messages. Each type of error has its own error code, allowing us to build internationalization tables on the client. The built-in error codes are rather poorly documented—a list can be found in the Play source code.

Hand-writing Formats using pattern matching tends to be most convenient when processing atomic values that don’t have any internal structure. However, hand-written Formats can become verbose and unwieldy as the complexity of the data increases.

4.5.2 Take Home Points

We can write instances of Reads, Writes, and Format by hand using pattern matching, JSON manipulation, and traversal.

This approach is convenient for simple atomic types, but becomes unwieldy when processing types that have internal structure.

Fortunately, Play provides a simple DSL for writing more advanced Reads, Writes and Formats. This will be the focus of the next section.

4.5.3 Exercise: Red Light, Green Light

The chapter4-lights directory in the exercises contains a TrafficLight type encoded as a sealed trait.

Write a JSON format for TrafficLight by extending Format manually. Use the following serialization:

Ensure your format passes the unit tests provided. Don’t alter the tests in any way!

The solution is very close to the code in the colorFormat example above. The trick is that JsNumbers can be floating point—we have to coerce the number in the data to an Int to match on it. The solution below defines a custom extractor called JsNumberAsInt for this purpose, but any solution that passes the tests will suffice:

implicit object TrafficLightFormat extends Format[TrafficLight] {
  def reads(in: JsValue) = in match {
    case JsNumberAsInt(0) => JsSuccess(Red)
    case JsNumberAsInt(1) => JsSuccess(Amber)
    case JsNumberAsInt(2) => JsSuccess(Green)
    case _ => JsError("error.expected.trafficlight")

  def writes(in: TrafficLight) = in match {
    case Red   => JsNumber(0)
    case Amber => JsNumber(1)
    case Green => JsNumber(2)

object JsNumberAsInt {
  def unapply(value: JsValue): Option[Int] = {
    value match {
      case JsNumber(num) => Some(num.toInt)
      case _             => None

4.6 Custom Formats: Part 2

Writing complex Reads using simple Scala code is difficult. Every time we unpack a field from the JSON, we have to consider potential errors such as the field being missing or of the wrong type. What is more, we have to remember the nature and location of every error we encounter for inclusion in the JsError.

Fortunately, Play provides a format DSL for creating Reads, Writes, and Formats, based on a general functional programming pattern called applicative builders. In this section we will dissect the DSL and see how it all works.

4.6.1 Using Play’s Format DSL

Let’s start with an example of a Reads. Later on we’ll see how the same pattern applies for Writes and Formats. We can write a Reads for our Address class as follows:

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

implicit val addressReads: Reads[Address] = (
  (JsPath \ "number").read[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "street").read[String]

In a nutshell, this code parses a JSON object by extracting its "number" field as an Int, its "street" field as a String, combining them via the and method, and feeding them into Address.apply.

We have a lot more flexibility using this syntax than we do with Json.reads. We can change the field names for "number" and "street", introduce default values for fields, validate that the house number is greater than zero, and so on.

We won’t cover all of these options here—the full DSL is described in the Play documentation. In the remainder of this section we will dissect the addressReads example above and explain how it works.

Applicative Builders

The technical name for this pattern of defining Reads, Writes, or Formats for each field and passing them to a constructor function is the “applicative builder pattern”. Applicatives are a powerful general functional programming concept explored in libraries such as Scalaz and the play.api.libs.functional package.

A full discussion of applicatives and applicative builders is beyond the scope of this book, although we do cover them (and many similarly useful functional programming concepts) in detail in Advanced Scala with Scalaz. Dissecting the DSL

Let’s build the addressReads example from the ground up, examining each step in the process:

Step 1. Describe the locations of fields

(JsPath \ "number")
(JsPath \ "street")

These are the same JsPath objects we saw in the section on Reads. They represent paths into a data structure (in this case the "number" and "street" fields respectively).

Step 2. Read fields as typed values

We create Reads for each field using the read method of JsPath:

(JsPath \ "number").read[Int]
(JsPath \ "street").read[String]

The resulting Reads attempt to parse the corresponding fields as the specified types. Any failures are reported against the correct path in the resulting JsError. For example:

val numberReads = (JsPath \ "number").read[Int]

numberReads.reads(Json.obj("number" -> 29))
// res0: JsResult[Int] = JsSuccess(29)

// res1: JsResult[Int] = JsError(Seq(
//   (JsPath \ "number", Seq(ValidationError("error.path.missing")))))

numberReads.reads(Json.obj("number" -> "29"))
// res2: JsResult[Int] = JsError(Seq(
//   (JsPath \ "number", Seq(ValidationError("error.expected.jsnumber")))))

JsPath also contains a write method for building Writes, and a format method for building Formats:

val numberWrites: Writes[Int]    = (JsPath \ "number").write[Int]
val streetFormat: Format[String] = (JsPath \ "street").format[String]

Step 3. Aggregate the fields into a tuple

We combine our two Reads using an and method that is brought into scope implicitly from the play.api.libs.functional.syntax package:

import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

val readsBuilder =
  (JsPath \ "number").read[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "street").read[String]

The result of the combination is a builder object that we can use to create larger Reads objects. The builder contains methods that allow us to specify how to aggregate the fields, and return a new Reads for the aggregated result type.

More formally, if we combine a Reads[A] and a Reads[B] using and, we get a Reads builder of type CanBuild2[Int, String]. Builders have the following methods:

Reads builder methods
Type of Reads builder Method Parameters Returns
CanBuild2[A,B] tupled None Reads[(A,B)]
CanBuild2[A,B] apply (A,B) => X Reads[X]
CanBuild2[A,B] and Reads[C] CanBuild3[A,B,C]
CanBuild3[A,B,C] tupled None Reads[(A,B,C)]
CanBuild3[A,B,C] apply (A,B,C) => X Reads[X]
CanBuild3[A,B,C] and Reads[C] CanBuild4[A,B,C,D]
CanBuild4[A,B,C,D] etc… etc… etc…

The idea of the builder pattern is to use the and method to create progressively larger builders (up to CanBuild21), and then call tupled or apply to create a Reads for our result type. Let’s look at tupled as an example:

val tupleReads: Reads[(Int, String)] = readsBuilder.tupled
// tupleReads: Reads[(Int, String)] = ...

tupleReads.reads(Json.obj("number" -> 29, "street" -> "Acacia Road"))
// res0: JsResult[(Int, String)] = ↩
//   JsSuccess((29, "Acacia Road"))

tupleReads.reads(Json.obj("number" -> "29", "street" -> null))
// res1: JsResult[(Int, String)] = ↩
//   JsError(Seq(
//     (JsPath \ "number", Seq(ValidationError("error.expected.jsnumber"))),
//     (JsPath \ "street", Seq(ValidationError("error.expected.jsstring")))))

tupleReads is built from the Reads for "number" and "street". It extracts thw two fields from the JSON and combines them into a tuple of type (Int, String). If fields are missing or malformed, tupleReads accumulates the error messages in the JsResult. In step 4 below we’ll see how to use the apply method instead of tupled to combine the fields into an Address.

There are equivalent sets of builders for Writes and Formats types. All we have to do is combine two Writes or Formats using and to create the relevant CanBuild2 and do from there.

Step 4. Aggregate the fields into an Address

Instead of using tupled, we can call our builder’s apply method to create a Reads that aggregates values in a different way. As we can see in the table above, the apply method of CanBuild2 accepts a constructor-like function of type (A, B) => C and returns a Reads[C]:

val constructor = (a: Int, b: String) => Address(a, b)

val addressReads = readsBuilder.apply(constructor)
// addressReads: Reads[Address] = ...

If we substitute in some definitions and use some nicer syntax, we can see that this definition of addressReads is equivalent to our original example:

val addressReads = (
  (JsPath \ "number").read[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "street").read[String]
// addressReads: Reads[Address] = ...

As we can see from the types in the table, we can combine more than two Reads using this approach. There are CanBuild types up to CanBuild21, each of which has an apply method that accepts a constructor with a corresponding number of parameters.

When building Writes, we supply extractor functions instead of constructors. Extractor functions accept a single parameter and return a tuple of the correct number of values. The semantics are identical to the unapply method on a case class’s companion object:

  (JsPath \ "number").write[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "street").write[String]

Note the use of unlift here, which converts the unapply method of type Address => Option[(Int, String)] to a function (technically a partial function) of type Address => (Int, String). unlift is a utility method imported from play.api.libs.functional.syntax that has identical semantics to Function.unlift from the Scala standard library.

When building Formats we have to supply both a constructor and an extractor function: one to combine the values in a read operation, and one to split them up in a write:

  (JsPath \ "number").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "street").format[String]
)(Address.apply, unlift(Address.unapply)) Applying the DSL to a Java Class

We will finish with one last DSL example—a Format that extracts the temporal components (hour, minute, day, month, etc) from an instance of org.joda.time.DateTime class. Here we define our own constructor and extractor and use them in the apply method of our builder:

import org.joda.time._

def createDateTime(yr: Int, mon: Int, day: Int, hr: Int, min: Int, ↩
      sec: Int, ms: Int) =
  new DateTime(yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec, ms)

def extractDateTimeFields(dt: DateTime): ↩
      (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) =
  (dt.getYear, dt.getMonthOfYear, dt.getDayOfMonth,
   dt.getHourOfDay, dt.getMinuteOfHour, dt.getSecondOfMinute,

implicit val dateTimeFormat: Format[DateTime] = (
  (JsPath \ "year").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "month").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "day").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "hour").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "minute").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "second").format[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "milli").format[Int]
)(createDateTime, extractDateTimeFields)

Note that we don’t need to use unlift with extractDateTimeFields here because our method already returns a non-Optional tuple of the correct size.

4.6.2 Take Home Points

In this section we introduced Play’s format DSL, which we can use to create Reads, Writes and Formats for arbitrary types.

The format DSL uses an applicative builder pattern to combine Reads, Writes or Formats for individual fields.

The general pattern for using the DSL is as follows:

  1. decide what fields we want in our Scala data type;
  2. decide where each field is going to be located in the JSON;
  3. write JsPaths for each field, and convert them to Reads, Writes or Formats of the relevant types;
  4. combine the fields using and to create a builder;
  5. call the builder’s apply method, passing in constructors and destructors (or hand-written equivalents) as appropriate.

In the next section we’ll look at one last common use case: defining Reads, Writes and Formats for hierarchies of types.

4.6.3 Exercise: A Dash of Colour

The chapter4-color directory in the exercises contains a constructor and extractor method for the most infamous of classes, java.awt.Color.

Write a JSON format for Color using the format DSL and the methods provided.

Ensure your format passes the unit tests provided. Don’t alter the tests in any way!

The code is similar to the Joda Time example above. In our model solution we’ve used the ~ method, which is simply an alias for and, to create the builder. There’s no difference between ~ and and other than aesthetic preference and the standard precedence rules applied by Scala:

implicit val ColorFormat = (
  (JsPath \ "red").format[Int] ~
  (JsPath \ "green").format[Int] ~
  (JsPath \ "blue").format[Int] ~
  (JsPath \ "alpha").format[Int]
)(createColor, expandColor)

4.7 Custom Formats: Part 3

In this final section, we cover a common use-case—creating Reads, Writes, and Formats for generalised hierarchies of types.

4.7.1 OFormats and OWrites

Before introducing this example, we need to look at two final members of Play’s pantheon of readers and writers:

play.api.libs.json.OWrites and play.api.libs.json.OFormat are specialisations of Writes and Formats that return JsObjects instead of JsValues:

package play.api.libs.json

trait OWrites[A] extends Writes[A] {
  def writes(value: A): JsObject

trait OFormat[A] extends Reads[A] with OWrites[A]

JsObject contains methods that let us manipulate fields. The + and ++ methods, in particular, allow us to append fields to the JSON we send to clients. This is useful for tweaking the JSON data we’re reading and writing as we shall see below:

// The + method adds fields to a JsObject:
Json.obj("a" -> 1) + ("b" -> JsNumber(2))
// res0: play.api.libs.json.JsObject = {"a":1,"b":2}

// The ++ methods combines the fields of two JsObjects:
Json.obj("a" -> 1) ++ Json.obj("b" -> 2)
// res1: play.api.libs.json.JsObject = {"a":1,"b":2}

The Writes and Formats generated by Json.writes and Json.format are actually OWrites and OFormats, so we can take advantage of this functionality out of the box:

addressFormat.writes(Address(29, "Acacia Road")) ++
  Json.obj("city" -> "Nuttytown")
// res0: JsObject = JsObject(
//   ("number", JsNumber(29)),
//   ("street", JsString("Acacia Road")),
//   ("city", JsString("Nuttytown")))

4.7.2 Handling Type Hierarchies

Until now we have written Reads and Writes that deal exclusively with one type of data. What do we do when we need to serialize a set of possible types? Consider the following type hierarchy:

sealed trait Shape
case class Ellipse(width: Int, height: Int) extends Shape
case class Rectangle(width: Int, height: Int) extends Shape

We can write each of these types as a JSON object with two fields: "width" and "height". However, when it comes to reading JSON we have a problem: we no longer know what type of shape we’re dealing with.

We can solve this problem by adding the type information to the JSON as metadata. For example, we can add a "type" field with value "Ellipse" or "Rectangle" to indicate the type of shape.

Let’s see this in action. We begin by defining Formats for each subtype:

import play.api.libs.json._

implicit val ellipseFormat   = Json.format[Ellipse]
implicit val rectangleFormat = Json.format[Rectangle]

We then write a Format for Shape that adds in the "type" field. We delegate to ellipseFormat and rectangleFormat using pattern matching:

implicit object shapeFormat extends Format[Shape] {
  def writes(shape: Shape): JsValue = shape match {
    case shape: Ellipse =>
      ellipseFormat.writes(shape) ++ Json.obj("type" -> "Ellipse")

    case shape: Rectangle =>
      rectangleFormat.writes(shape) ++ Json.obj("type" -> "Rectangle")

  def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Shape] = (json \ "type") match {
    case JsString("Ellipse")   => ellipseFormat.reads(json)
    case JsString("Rectangle") => rectangleFormat.reads(json)
    case other =>
      JsError(JsPath \ "type", "bad.shape.type", other.toString)

Because ellipseFormat and rectangleFormat are OWrites, they return JsObjects instead of JsValues. We use this fact in our writes method to append the "type" field.

Our reads method inspects the "type" field and delegates to ellipseFormat or rectangleFormat appropriately. If the type isn’t one of the expected values, we fail with an appropriately pathed JsError.

We can use this technique to create Reads, Writes, and Formats for arbitrary hierarchies of case classes and sealed traits, allowing us to serialize any data we care to imagine as JSON.

4.7.3 Take Home Points

In this section we created a JSON format for a simple type hierarchy. This is a common use case for hand-written Formats as Play does not provide this functionality out-of-the-box.

We used a hand-written Format to add type metadata to the JSON in the form of a "type" field. We made use of existing macro-defined JSON formats to do the majority of the work.

Macro-defined Writes and Formats always create JsObjects. For convenience, Play provides two subtypes, OWrites and OFormat, that tighten the return type on the writes method accordingly. We used this in our hand-written Format to add the "type" field to the outgoing JSON.

4.7.4 Exercise: Stable Codebase

The chapter4-animals directory in the exercises contains an Animal type and subtypes.

Write a JSON format for Animal using the techniques described above. Write the classname to the JSON as a field called "type" and use this field to determine which type to parse on read. If the user specifies an invalid "type", fail with the error "error.expected.animal.type".

Ensure your format passes the unit tests provided. Don’t alter the tests in any way!

The simplest solution involves using Play’s JSON macros to (de)serialize Dog, Insect, and Swallow, and a custom format to handle the "type" parameter:

val dogFormat     = Json.format[Dog]
val insectFormat  = Json.format[Insect]
val swallowFormat = Json.format[Swallow]

implicit object AnimalFormat extends Format[Animal] {
  def reads(in: JsValue) = (in \ "type") match {
    case JsString("Dog")     => dogFormat.reads(in)
    case JsString("Insect")  => insectFormat.reads(in)
    case JsString("Swallow") => swallowFormat.reads(in)
    case _ => JsError(JsPath \ "type", "error.expected.animal.type")

  def writes(in: Animal) = in match {
    case in: Dog     => dogFormat.writes(in)     ++ Json.obj("type" -> "Dog")
    case in: Insect  => insectFormat.writes(in)  ++ Json.obj("type" -> "Insect")
    case in: Swallow => swallowFormat.writes(in) ++ Json.obj("type" -> "Swallow")

4.8 Handling Failure

We’ve now seen everything we need to read and write arbitrary JSON data. We are almost ready to create full-featured JSON REST APIs. There’s only one more thing we need to cover: failure.

When a JSON REST endpoint fails, it needs to return JSON to the client. We can do this manually in the case of expected errors, but what about unexpected errors such as exceptions?

In this section we will look at replacing Play’s default 400 and 500 error pages with our own JSON error pages. We’ll do this by writing some simple error handlers using Play’s Global object.

4.8.1 The Global Object

We can configure various HTTP-handling aspects of our applications by creating an object called Global in the _root_ package. The object should extend play.api.GlobalSettings, which provides various methods to override:

package _root_

import play.api._

object Global extends GlobalSettings {
  // custom configuration goes here...

4.8.2 Custom Routing Error Pages

The default routing error page is provided by the onHandlerNotFound method. We can override this to return whatever Content-Type we like—here’s an example that returns JSON for the client to interpret:

import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.Future

object Global extends GlobalSettings {
  override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader): ↩
        Future[Result] = {
    Logger.warn(s"Error 404: ${request.method} ${request.uri}")

      "type"    -> "error",
      "status"  -> 404,
      "message" -> s"Handler not found: ${request.method} ${request.uri}"

Note that the method accepts a RequestHeader and returns a Future[Result]. The RequestHeader type indicates that the body of the request may not yet have been read. The Future return type allows us to execute asynchronous code before returning a Result—we will see this in more detail in the next chapter.

We can also provide a custom response when Play is able to route a request but is unable to parse the URL parameters:

object Global extends GlobalSettings {
  override def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader): ↩
        Future[Result] = {
    Logger.warn(s"Error 404: ${request.method} ${request.uri}")

      "type"    -> "error",
      "status"  -> 400,
      "message" -> s"Bad request data: ${request.method} ${request.uri}"

4.8.3 Custom Application Error Pages

The default exception page is generated by the onError method. Again, we can override this method to provide our own behaviour. Note that in this case the method does not return a Future:

object Global extends GlobalSettings {
  override def onError(request: RequestHeader, exn: Throwable) = {
    Logger.warn(s"Error 500: ${exn.getMessage}", exn)

      "type"    -> "error",
      "status"  -> 500,
      "message" -> exn.getMessage

4.8.4 Other Methods

GlobalSettings contains some other useful methods not covered above:

4.8.5 Take Home Points

We can customise various aspects of our application’s general behaviour by providing a _root_.Global object. The object must extend play.api.GlobalSettings.

GlobalSettings contains several methods that we can override to custom error responses:

4.9 Extended Exercise: Chat Room Part 3

Let’s continue our extended exercise by adding a REST API to our chat application.

The chapter4-chat directory in the exercises contains a model solution to the exercise at the end of Chapter 3. We’ve added two controllers and four actions to support a REST API:

POST /api/login    controllers.AuthApiController.login
GET  /api/whoami   controllers.AuthApiController.whoami

GET  /api/message  controllers.ChatApiController.messages
POST /api/message

4.9.1 Overview of the API

All endpoints accept and return JSON data:

See ChatServiceMessages.scala and AuthServiceMessages.scala for a complete description of the request and response messages.

All endpoints except for login require authorization, which is supplied via the standard HTTP Authorization header. The client calls login and retrieves a LoginSuccess in response:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/login' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --data   '{"username":"alice","password":"password1"}'

The sessionId field from the LoginSuccess is then passed as Authorization in requests to the other endpoints:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/message' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --header 'Authorization: fc8cfcb2-a758-495c-8708-613ac3ff2a99' \
           --data '{"text":"First post!"}'
  "message":{"author":"alice","text":"First post!"}
bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/message' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --header 'Authorization: fc8cfcb2-a758-495c-8708-613ac3ff2a99' \
           --data '{"text":"Second post!"}'
  "message":{"author":"alice","text":"Second post!"}
bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/message' \
           --header 'Authorization: fc8cfcb2-a758-495c-8708-613ac3ff2a99'
    {"author":"alice","text":"First post!"},
    {"author":"alice","text":"Second post!"}

The client can use the whoami endpoint to retrieve the identity of the authorized user:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/whoami' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --header 'Authorization: fc8cfcb2-a758-495c-8708-613ac3ff2a99'

4.9.2 The login Endpoint

Start by completing the AuthApiController.login action. The new action is analogous to AuthController.login from Chapter 3, except that it sends and receives JSON instead of form data and HTML.

We’ve implemented JSON Formats for LoginRequest and LoginResponse, so reading and writing JSON should be easy. However, you will have to handle several error scenarios:

  1. the request body cannot be parsed as JSON;
  2. the request JSON cannot be read as a LoginRequest;
  3. the LoginRequest contains an invalid username/password.

In the first two scenarios you should create a custom JSON object representing the error and return it in a BadRequest Result. Errors in the third scenario are covered by the LoginResponse data type: simply serialize the result and return it to the client.

Here’s a complete implementation of login:

def login = Action { request =>
  request.body.asJson match {
    case Some(json) =>
      Json.fromJson[LoginRequest](json) match {
        case JsSuccess(loginReq, _) =>
          AuthService.login(loginReq) match {
            case loginRes: LoginSuccess =>

            case loginRes: UserNotFound =>

            case loginRes: PasswordIncorrect =>

        case err: JsError =>

    case None =>
      BadRequest(JsError(JsPath, "No JSON specified"))

We can reduce the code significantly by introducing a helper method to parse the request body and handle missing / malformed JSON:

def withRequestJsonAs[A: Reads]
      (request: Request[AnyContent])
      (func: A => Result): Result =
  request.body.asJson match {
    case Some(json) =>
      Json.fromJson[A](json) match {
        case JsSuccess(req, _) =>

        case err: JsError =>

    case None =>
      BadRequest(JsError(JsPath, "No JSON specified"))

With this helper the login action becomes much more readable:

def login = Action { request =>
  withRequestJsonAs[LoginRequest](request) { req =>
    AuthService.login(req) match {
      case res: LoginSuccess =>

      case res: UserNotFound =>

      case res: PasswordIncorrect =>

4.9.3 The whoami Endpoint

Complete this endpoint as follows:

  1. extract the value of the Authorization header;
  2. pass it to AuthService.whoami;
  3. serialize the result as JSON and return it to the client.

You will have to handle any missing/invalid Authorization headers by sending a custom JSON error to the client in an appropriate Result.

Our withAuthenticatedUser helper from Chapter 2 comes in useful here. Here’s complete end-to-end code for the endpoint:

def whoami = Action { request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) {
    case res: Credentials     => Ok(Json.toJson(res))
    case res: SessionNotFound => NotFound(Json.toJson(res))

4.9.4 The messages and chat Endpoints

At this point, completing ChatApiController should be trivial. The behaviour is analogous to ChatController from Chapter 3 except that it grabs the session ID from the Authorization header instead of from a cookie.

withAuthenticatedUser makes defining these endpoints straightforward:

def messages = Action { request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) {
    case Credentials(sessionId, username) =>

    case SessionNotFound(sessionId) =>

def chat = Action { request =>
  withAuthenticatedUser(request) {
    case Credentials(sessionId, username) =>
      withRequestJsonAs[ChatRequest](request) { postReq =>
        val message =, postReq.text)

    case SessionNotFound(sessionId) =>

5 Async and Concurrency

Web applications often have to wait for long-running operations such as database and network access. In a traditional synchronous programming model the application has to block to wait for these to complete. This is inefficient as it ties up threads and processes while no useful work is happening.

In modern web application archtecture we prefer to use a non-blocking programming model. Non-blocking code relinquishes local resources and reclaims them once long-running tasks complete. This lowers resource contention and allows applications to handle higher traffic loads with predictable latency.

Non-blocking code is also essential for distributing work across machines. Modern non-trivial web applications are implemented as collections of services that communicate over HTTP. This is impossible to achieve in a scalable manner in conventional blocking architectures.

In this section we will see how to implement non-blocking concurrency in Scala and Play using a functional programming tool called Futures.

5.1 Futures

The underpinning of our concurrent programming model is the scala.concurrent.Future trait. A Future[A] represents an asynchronous computation that will calculate a value of type A at some point in the future.

Futures are a general tool from the Scala core library, but they are used heavily in Play. We will start by looking at the general case, and tie them into Play later on in this chapter.

5.1.1 The Ultimate Answer

Let’s define a long-running computation:

def ultimateAnswer: Int = {
  // seven and a half million years later...

Calling ultimateAnswer executes the long-running computation on the current thread. As an alternative, we can use a Future to run the computation asynchronously, and continue to run the current thread in parallel:

val f: Future[Int] = Future {
  // this code is run asynchronously:

println("Continuing to run in parallel...")

At some point in the future ultimateAnswer will complete. The result is cached in f for eventual re-use. We can schedule callbacks to run when f completes. The callbacks accept the cached value as input:

f.onSuccess {
  case number =>
    println("The answer is " + number + ". Now, what was the question?")

It doesn’t matter how many callbacks we register or whether we register them before or after ultimateAnswer completes. scala.concurrent ensures that the f is executed exactly once, and each of our callbacks is executed once after f completes.

The final output of our program looks like this:

Continuing to run in parallel...
The answer is 42. Now, what was the question?

5.1.2 Composing Futures

Callbacks are the simplest way to introduce Futures in a book, but they aren’t useful for production code because they don’t return values. This causes at least two problems:

Fortunately, there are other ways of sequencing Futures. We can compose them in a functional fashion, wiring them together so that the result of one Future is used as an input for another. This approach allows us to avoid mutable state and write expressions in the order we expect them to run. We hand off the details of scheduling execution to library code in scala.concurrent.

Let’s see some of the important methods for composing futures: map

The map method allows us to sequence a future with a block of synchronous code. The synchronous code is represented by a simple function:

trait Future[A] {
  def map[B](func: A => B): Future[B] = // ...

The result of calling map is a new future that sequences the computation in the original future with func. In the example below, f2 is a future that waits for f1 to complete, then transforms the result using conversion. Both operations are run in the background one after the other without affecting other concurrently running tasks:

def conversion(value: Int): String =

val f1: Future[Int]    = Future(ultimateAnswer)
val f2: Future[String] =

We can call map on the same Future as many times as we want. The order and the timing of the calls is insignificant—the value of f1 will be delivered to f2 and f3 once only when f1 completes:

val f1: Future[Int]    = Future { ultimateAnswer }
val f2: Future[Int]    = f1 map { _ + 1 }
val f3: Future[Double] = f1 map { _.toDouble }

We can also build large sequences of computations by chaining calls to map:

val f4L Future[String] = f1 map { _ + 1 } map (conversion) map { _ + "!" }

The final results of f1, f2, f3, and f4 above are 42, 43, "42", and "43!" respectively. flatMap

The flatMap method allows us to sequence a future with a block of asynchronous code. The asynchronous code is represented by a function that returns a future:

trait Future[A] {
  def flatMap[B](func: A => Future[B]): Future[B] = // ...

The result of calling flatMap is a new future that:

This has a similar sequencing-and-flattening effect to the flatMap method on scala.Option

def longRunningConversion(value: Int): Future[String] =
  Future {
    // some length of time...

val f1: Future[Int]    = Future(ultimateAnswer)
val f2: Future[String] = f1.flatMap(value => Future(value + 1))
val f3: Future[String] = f1.flatMap(longRunningConversion)

The final results of f1 and f2 and f3 above are 42, 43 and "42" respectively. Wait… Future is a Monad?

Yes—we’re glad you noticed!

Functional programming enthusiasts will note that the presence of a flatMap method means Future is a monad. This means we can use it with regular Scala for-comprehensions.

As an example, suppose we are creating a web service to monitor traffic on a set of servers. Assume we have a method getTraffic to interrogate one of our servers:

def getTraffic(hostname: String): Future[Double] = {
  // ...non-blocking HTTP code...

We want to combine the traffic from three separate servers to produce a single aggregated value. Here are two ways of writing the code using for-comprehensions:

Single expression

val total: Future[Double] = for {
  t1 <- getTraffic("server1")
  t2 <- getTraffic("server2")
  t3 <- getTraffic("server3")
} yield t1 + t2 + t3


val traffic1 = getTraffic("server1")
val traffic2 = getTraffic("server2")
val traffic3 = getTraffic("server3")

val total: Future[Double] = for {
  t1 <- traffic1
  t2 <- traffic2
  t3 <- traffic3
} yield t1 + t2 + t3

These examples are easy to read—each one demonstrates the elegance of using for syntax to sequence asynchronous code. However, we should note an an important semantic difference between the two. One of the examples will complete much faster than the other. Can you work out which one?

To answer this question we must look at the expanded forms of each example:

Single expression

val total: Future[Double] =
  getTraffic("server1") flatMap { t1 =>
    getTraffic("server2") flatMap { t2 =>
      getTraffic("server3") map { t3 =>
        t1 + t2 + t3


val traffic1 = getTraffic("server1")
val traffic2 = getTraffic("server2")
val traffic3 = getTraffic("server3")

val total: Future[Double] =
  traffic1 flatMap { t1 =>
    traffic2 flatMap { t2 =>
      traffic3 map { t3 =>
        t1 + t2 + t3

In the single expression example, the calls to getTraffic are nested inside one another. The code sequences the calls, waiting until one completes before initiating the next.

The create-then-compose example, by contrast, initiates each of the calls immediately and then sequences the combination of their results.

Both examples are resource-efficient and non-blocking but they sequence operations differently. Create-then-compose calls out to the three servers in parallel and will typically complete in roughly one third the time. This is something to watch out for when combining futures using for-comprehensions.

Sequencing Futures using For-Comprehensions

  1. Work out which calculations are dependent on the results of which others:

    poll server 1    \
    poll server 2    -+->    total the results
    poll server 3    /
  2. Declare futures for each independent steps (no incoming arrows) in your graph:

    val traffic1 = getTraffic("server1")
    val traffic2 = getTraffic("server2")
    val traffic3 = getTraffic("server3")
  3. Use for-comprehensions to combine the immediate results:

    val total: Future[Double] = for {
      t1 <- traffic1
      t2 <- traffic2
      t3 <- traffic3
    } yield t1 + t2 + t3
  4. Repeat for the next step in the sequence (if any).

5.1.3 Future.sequence

for comprehensions are a great way to combine the results of several futures, but they aren’t suitable for combining the results of arbitrarily sized sets of futures. For this we need the sequence method of Future's companion object. Here’s a simplified type signature:

package scala.concurrent

object Future {
  def sequence[A](futures: Seq[Future[A]]): Future[Seq[A]] =
    // ...

We can use this method to convert any sequence of futures into a future containing a sequence of the results. This lets us generalise our traffic monitoring example to any number of hosts:

def totalTraffic(hostnames: Seq[String]): Future[Double] = {
  val trafficFutures: Seq[Future[Double]] =

  val futureTraffics: Future[Seq[Double]] =
    Future.sequence(trafficFutures) { (traffics: Seq[Double]) =>

Note: Future.sequence actually accepts a TraversableOnce and returns a Future of the same type of sequence. Subtypes of TraversableOnce include sequences, sets, lazy streams, and many of other types of collection not covered here. This generality makes Future.sequence a useful and versatile method.

5.1.4 Take Home Points

We use Futures to represent asynchronous computations. We compose them using for-comprehensions and methods like map, flatMap, and Future.sequence.

In the next section we will see how Futures are scheduled behind the scenes using thread pools and ExecutionContexts.

5.1.5 Exercise: The Value of (Con)Currency

The chapter5-currency directory in the exercises contains a dummy application for calculating currency conversions. The actual calculations are performed by the toUSD and fromUSD methods in the ExchangeRateHelpers trait, each of which is asynchronous.

Complete the convertOne and convertAll actions in CurrencyController. Use toUSD and fromUSD to perform the required conversions, combinators on Future to combine the results, and the formatConversion helper to provide a plain text response. Here’s an example of the expected output:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/convert/100/gbp/to/usd'
100 GBP = 150 USD

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/convert/100/eur/to/gbp'
100 EUR = 73.33 GBP

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9000/convert/250/usd/to/all'
250 USD = 250 USD
250 USD = 166.67 GBP
250 USD = 227.27 EUR

Start with the simpler of the two actions, convertOne. You are given source and target currencies and the amount of currency to exchange. However, you will have to perform the conversion in three steps:

  1. convert the source currency to USD;
  2. convert the USD amount to the target currency;
  3. format the result as a Result[String].

The first step is the currency conversion itself. The toUSD and fromUSD methods return Futures, so the natural combinator is flatMap:

val toAmount: Future[Double] =
  toUSD(fromAmount, fromCurrency).
  flatMap(usdAmount => fromUSD(usdAmount, toCurrency))

We have to format this Future using formatConversion. This isn’t an async method, so the natural combinator is map:

val output: Future[String] = { toAmount =>

This sequence of flatMap followed by map can be naturally expressed as a for comprehension, which is a great way of writing the final result:

def convertOne(
    fromAmount: Double,
    fromCurrency: Currency,
    toCurrency: Currency) =
  Action.async { request =>
    for {
      usdAmount <- toUSD(fromAmount, fromCurrency)
      toAmount  <- fromUSD(usdAmount, toCurrency)
    } yield Ok(formatConversion(

With convertOne out of the way, tackle convertAll. You are given a source currency amount and asked to convert it to all other currencies in ExchangeRateHelpers.currencies. This involves transformations on Future and Seq.

Interleaving transformations on monads is messy. It makes sense to do all the transformations we can in one monad before switching to the other. In this exercise, this means transforming all the way from source Currency to String output before working out how to combine the results. Start by iterating over currencies, calculating the line of output needed for each:

val outputLines: Seq[Future[String]] = { toCurrency: Double =>
    for {
      usdAmount <- toUSD(fromAmount, fromCurrency)
      toAmount  <- fromUSD(usdAmount, toCurrency)
    } yield formatConversion(

Now combine these Strings to a single Result. We can convert the Seq[Future[String]] to a Future[Seq[String]] using Future.sequence, after which we just use map:

val result: Future[Result] =
    map(lines => Ok(lines mkString "\n"))

The final code looks like this:

def convertAll(
    fromAmount: Double,
    fromCurrency: Currency) =
  Action.async { request =>
    val outputLines: Seq[Future[String]] = { toCurrency: Double =>
        for {
          usdAmount <- toUSD(fromAmount, fromCurrency)
          toAmount  <- fromUSD(usdAmount, toCurrency)
        } yield formatConversion(

      map(lines => Ok(lines mkString "\n"))

There’s a lot of redundant code between convertOne and convertAll. In the model solution we’ve factored this out into its own helper method.

5.2 Thread Pools and ExecutionContexts

In the previous section we saw how to sequence and compose asyncronous code using scala.concurrent.Future. We didn’t discuss how Futures are allocated behind the scenes. There is a lot of hidden library code at work creating threads, scheduling work, and passing values from one Future to another.

In this section we will take a brief look at how Futures are scheduled in Scala and Play. We will be introduced to the concept of a thread pool, and we’ll see how to allocate futures to specific pools. We will also learn what an ExecutionContext is and why we need one.

5.2.1 ExecutionContexts

In the previous section we ignored a crucial implementation detail—whenever we create a Future we have to specify how to schedule the work. We do this by passing an implicit parameter of type scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext to the constructor:

val ec: ExecutionContext = // ...

val future: Future[Int] = Future {
  // complex computation...
  1 + 1

The ExecutionContext parameter is actually marked implicit so we can typically ignore it in our code:

implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = // ...

val future: Future[Int] = Future {
  // complex computation...
  1 + 1

So far we have been introduced to four methods that create Futures. In each case we have ignored an implicit ExecutionContext parameter to focus the discussion on composition. Here are the extra parameters for clarity:

package scala.concurrent

object Future {
  def apply[A](expr: => A)
      (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] =
      // ...

  def sequence[A](futures: Seq[Future[A]])
      (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[A]] =
      // ...

trait Future[A] {
  def map[B](func: A => B)
      (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] =
      // ...

  def flatMap[B](func: A => B)
      (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] =
      // ...

Why are ExecutionContexts important? Whenever we create a Future, something needs to allocate it to a thread and execute it, and there are many different strategies that can be used. The ExecutionContext encapsulates all of the resources and configuration necessary for this and allows us to ignore it when writing application code.

Threads and Thread Pools

As an aside, let’s take a brief look at how Scala and Play schedule Futures.

The simplest naïve approach would be to create a new thread for every Future. This is problematic for two reasons:

  1. There is an overhead to starting up and shutting down threads that becomes significant when dealing with large numbers of small asynchronous tasks.

  2. At high levels of concurrency we may have many threads in operation at once. The cost of context-switching quickly becomes significant, causing our application to thrash and lose performance.

Modern asynchronous programming libraries use thread pools to avoid these problems. Rather than create new threads on demand, they pre-allocate a fixed (or elastic) pool of threads and keep them running all the time. Whenever we create a new Future it gets passed to the thread pool for eventual execution. The pool operates in a continuous loop:

  1. wait for a thread to become available;
  2. wait for a future to need executing;
  3. execute the future;
  4. repeat from step 1.

There are many parameters to thread pools that we can tweak: the number of threads in the pool, the capacity to allocate extra threads at high load, the algorithm used to select free threads, and so on. The book Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz et al discusses these in detail. Fortunately, in many cases we can simply use sensible defaults provided by libraries like Play.

5.2.2 Play’s ExecutionContext

Play uses several thread pools internally and provides one—the default application thread pool—for use in our applications. To use the thread pool we have to import its ExecutionContext:

import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

def index = Future {
  // and so on...

defaultContext is marked as implicit in the source to the Implicits object, so simply adding this import to our file is enough to satisfy the compiler.

The default application thread pool is sufficient for most cases, but advanced users can tweak its parameters and allocate extra thread pools using configuration files. See Play’s documentation on thread pools for more information.

Scala’s Default ExecutionContext

The Scala standard library also provides a default ExecutionContext. This is suitable for use in regular Scala applications, but we can’t use Play’s configuration files to configure it. In general we should always use Play’s ExecutionContext when writing a Play web application:


import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

5.2.3 Take Home Points

Whenever we create a Future, we need to allocate it to a thread pool by providing an implicit ExecutionContext.

Play provides a default thread pool and ExecutionContext on which we can schedule work. Simply importing this context is enough to use Futures in our code.

Scala also provides a default ExecutionContext, but we should not use it in Play web applications.

5.3 Asynchronous Actions

In the previous sections we saw how to create and compose Futures to schedule asyncronous tasks. In this section we will see how to use Futures to create asynchronous actions in Play.

5.3.1 Synchronous vs Asynchronous Actions

Play is built using Futures from the bottom up. Whenever we process a request, our action is executed in a thread on the default application thread pool.

All of the actions we have written so far have been synchronous—they run from beginning to end in a single continuous block. The thread Play allocates to the request is tied up for the duration—only when we return a Result can Play recycle the thread to service another request.

At high load there can be more incoming requests than there are threads in the application thread pool. If this happens, pending requests must be scheduled for when a thread becomes free. As long as actions are short-running this provides graceful degredation under load. However, long-running actions can cause scheduling problems and latency spikes:

def difficultToSchedule = Action { request =>
  // this could take a while...

We should look out for long-running actions and adjust our application flow accordingly. One way of doing this is splitting our work up into easily schedulable chunks using asynchronous actions.

5.3.2 Action.async

We write asynchronous actions using the Action.async method:

def index = Action.async { request =>
  Future(Ok("Hello world!"))

Action.async differs from Action.apply only in that it expects us to return a Future[Result] instead of a Result. When the body of the action returns, Play is left to execute the resulting Future.

We can use methods such as map and flatMap to split long multi-stage workload into sequences of shorter Futures, allowing Play to schedule the work more easily across the thread pool along-side other pending requests. Here’s an Action for our traffic monitoring example:

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

def getTraffic(hostname: String)
    (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Future[Double] = {
  // ...non-blocking HTTP code...

def traffic = Action.async { request =>
  val traffic1 = getTraffic("server1")
  val traffic2 = getTraffic("server2")
  val traffic3 = getTraffic("server3")

  for {
    t1   <- traffic1
    t2   <- traffic2
    t3   <- traffic3
    total = t1 + t2 + t3
  } yield Ok(Json.obj("traffic" -> total))

5.3.3 Blocking I/O

The most common causes for long-running actions are blocking I/O operations:

We cannot eliminate blocking by converting a synchronous action to an asynchronous one—we are simply shifting the work to a different thread. However, by splitting a synchronous chain of blocking operations up into a chain of asynchronously executing Futures, we can make the work easier to schedule at high load.

5.3.4 Take Home Points

Asyncronous actions allow us to split up request handlers using Futures.

We write asynchronous actions using Action.async. This is similar to Action.apply except that we must return a Future[Result] instead of a plain Result.

If we are using blocking I/O, wrapping it in a Future doesn’t make it go away. However, dealing with long-running tasks in shorter chunks can make actions easier to schedule under high load.

5.4 Calling Remote Web Services

I/O operations are the biggest sources of latency in web applications. Database queries, file access, and requests to external web services all take orders of magnitude more time than application code running in-memory. Most libraries in the Java ecosystem (and older libraries in the Scala ecosystem) use blocking I/O, which is as much of a latency problem for asynchronous applications as it is for synchronous ones.

In this section we will look at non-blocking I/O—I/O that calls us back when it completes. Application code doesn’t need to block waiting for a result, which frees up resources and provides a huge boost to the scalability of our web applications.

There are several examples of non-blocking database libraries in Scala: Slick 3, Doobie, and Reactivemongo all support asynchronous queries and the streaming of results back into the application. However, in this section we’re going to look at something different—calling external web services using Play’s non-blocking HTTP client, Play WS.

Adding Play WS as a Dependency

As of Play 2.3, the web services client is shipped in a separate JAR from core Play. We can add it to our project by including the following line in build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += ws

This line of configuration gives us access to the package in our code.

5.4.1 Using Play WS

Play WS provides a DSL to construct and send requests to remote services. For example:


def index = Action.async { request =>
  val response: Future[WSResponse] =

  val json: Future[JsValue] =

  val result: Future[Result] =


Let’s dissect this line by line:

The get operation is non-blocking. Play creates a Future to hold the eventual result and schedules it for later evaluation when the remote server responds (or times out). The remainder of the code sets up the chain of operations to transform the response: extract the json, wrap it in an Ok result, and return it to the user.

5.4.2 A Complete Example

Let’s re-visit our traffic monitoring example from earlier. We now have enough code to implement a full working solution.

Let’s assume that each of our servers has a traffic reporting endpoint:

GET /traffic

that returns a simple JSON packet containing a couple of statistics:

  "peak": 1000.0,
  "mean": 500.0

Let’s implement getTraffic. First we’ll create a data-type to hold the JSON response:

case class TrafficData(peak: Double, mean: Double)

object TrafficData {
  implicit val format = Json.format[TrafficData]

Next we implement our getTraffic method. This needs to call the remote endpoint, parse the response JSON, and return the peak field from the data:

def getTraffic(hostname: String): Future[Double] = {
  for {
    response <- WS.url(s"http://$url/traffic").get()
  } yield {
      errors => 0.0,
      traffic => traffic.peak

Our request-sequencing code remains the same:

def traffic = Action.async { request =>
  val traffic1 = getTraffic("server1")
  val traffic2 = getTraffic("server2")
  val traffic3 = getTraffic("server3")

  for {
    t1 <- traffic1
    t2 <- traffic2
    t3 <- traffic3
  } yield Ok(Json.obj("traffic" -> (t1 + t2 + t3)))

5.4.3 Take Home Points

Play WS is a non-blocking library for calling out to remote web services. Non-blocking I/O is more resource-efficient than blocking I/O, allowing us to place heavier reliance on web services without sacrificingh scalability.

When we send a request, the library returns a Future[WSResponse]. We can use methods like map and flatMap to process the response without blocking, eventually building a Future[Result] to return to our downstream client.

5.5 Exercise: Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful!

…but this JSON weather data from flyovers of the International Space Station is so delightful!

The chapter5-weather directory in the exercises contains an unfinished application for reporting on weather data from The application will use two API endpoints. The weather endpoint (documented here) reports current weather data:

bash$ curl ',uk'
"description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"base":"stations", 

and the forecast endpoint (documented here) reports a five day forecast:

bash$ curl ',uk'
"description":"scattered clouds","icon":"03d"} ],"clouds":{"all":48}, 
"dt_txt":"2015-03-31 12:00:00"},...]}

The example app includes code to read the responses from these endpoints as instances of models.Weather and models.Forecast respectively.

Complete the code in WeatherController.scala to fetch results from both of these endpoints and combine them using the report.scala.html template. Start by completing the fetchWeather and fetchForecast methods using the WS API, and then combine the results in the report method.

Here’s a simple implementation of fetchWeather and fetchForecast:

def fetchWeather(location: String): Future[Weather] =

def fetchForecast(location: String): Future[Forecast] =

Note that the error handling in the model solution ignores the fact that the incoming JSON data may be malformed—we rely Play to pick this error up and serve an HTTP 500 error page.

We can refactor the redundancy in the two methods into a separate method, fetch. Note the Reads context bound on the type parameter to fetch, which provides evidence to the compiler that we can read A from JSON:

def fetchWeather(location: String): Future[Weather] =
  fetch[Weather]("weather", location)

def fetchForecast(location: String): Future[Forecast] =
  fetch[Forecast]("forecast", location)

def fetch[A: Reads](endpoint: String, location: String): Future[A] =

The implementation of report is straightforward. We create a Future for each result and combine them using a for-comprehension. Note that creation and combination have to be sepate steps if we want the API calls to happen simultaneously:

def report(location: String) =
  Action.async { request =>
    val weather  = fetchWeather(location)
    val forecast = fetchForecast(location)
    for {
      w <- weather
      f <- forecast
    } yield Ok(, w, f))

5.6 Handling Failure

In earlier sections we saw how Futures are implemented on top of thread pools. Each Future executes on a separate thread, and there is little continuity between Futures in terms of stack information.

The lack of a stack is a problem for error handling. The traditional way of signalling an error in a Java application is to throw an exception, but here there is no stack for the exception to fly up. Thread-local variables are similarly of little use.

So how do we handle failure using Futures? This will be the focus of this section.

5.6.1 Failed Futures

The first question we should ask is what happens when we throw an exception inside a Future:

def ultimateQuestion = Future[Int] {
  // seven and a half million years...
  throw new Exception("6 * 9 != 42")

def index = Action.async { request =>
  for {
    answer <- ultimateQuestion
  } yield Ok(Json.obj("theAnswer" -> answer))

The surprising result is that we get a 500 error page as usual, even though the exception was most likely thrown in a separate thread from the action. How is this possible?

The answer lies in something called failed futures. A Future can actually be in one of three states: incomplete, complete, or failed:

When a Future fails, the exception thrown is cached and passed on to subsequent futures. If we attempt to tranform the Future we simply get another failure:

In our example, the failure in ultimateQuestion is passed on as the result of index. Play intercepts the failure and creates a 500 error page just as it would for a thrown exception in a synchronous action.

5.6.2 Transforming Failures

It sometimes makes sense to intercept failed futures and turn them into successes. Future contains several methods to do this. recover

The recover method of scala.concurrent.Future has similar semantics to a catch block in regular Scala. We provide a partial function that catches and transforms into successful results:

val future1: Future[Int] = Future[Int] {
  throw new NumberFormatException("not 42!")

val future2: Future[Int] = future1.recover {
  case exn: NumberFormatException =>

If future1 completes without an exception, future2 completes with the same value. If future1 fails with a NumberFormatException, future2 completes with the value 43. If future1 fails with any other type of exception, future2 fails as well. recoverWith

recoverWith is similar to recover except that our handler block has to return a Future of a result. It is the flatMap to recover's map:

val future2: Future[Int] = future1.recoverWith {
  case exn: NumberFormatException =>
} transform

If recover is similar to map and recoverWith is similar to flatMap, transform is similar to fold. We supply two functions as parameters, one to handle successes and one to handle failures:

val future2: Future[String] = future1.transform(
  s = (result: Int)    => (result * 10).toString,
  f = (exn: Throwable) => "43"

5.6.3 Creating Failures

We occasionally want to create a future containing a new exception. It is considered bad style to write throw in Scala code, so we tend to use the Future.failed method instead:

val future3 = Future.failed[Int](new Exception("Oh noes!"))

Stack information is preserved correctly in the Future as we might expect.

5.6.4 Failures in For-Comprehensions

Failure propagation in Futures has similar semantics to the propagation of None in Options. Once a failure occurs, it is propagated by calls to map and flatMap, shortcutting any mapping functions we provide. This gives for-comprehensions over Futures familiar error-handling semantics:

val result = for {
  a <- Future.failed[Int](new Exception("Badness!"))
  b <- Future(a + 1) // this expression is not executed
  c <- Future(b + 1) // this expression is not executed
} yield c + 1        // this expression is not executed

5.6.5 Take Home Points

When we use Futures, our code is distributed across a thread pool. There is no common stack so exceptions cannot be propagated up through function calls in a conventional manner.

To work around this, Scala Futures catch any exceptions we throw and propagate them through calls to map and flatMap as failed Futures.

If we return a failed Future from an asynchronous action, Play responds as we might expect. It intercepts the exception and passes it to the Global.onError handler, creating an error 500 page.

We can use failed Futures deliberately as a means of propagating errors through our code. We can create failed Futures with Future.failed and transform failures into successes using recover, recoverWith, or transform.

Failed Futures as Error Handling

We should use failed futures only in rare circumstances. Unlike Either and Option, Future doesn’t require developers to handle errors, so heavy reliance on failed futures can lead to uncaught errors. As Scala developers we should always prefer using types as a defence mechanism rather than hiding them away to be ignored.

5.7 Extended Exercise: Chat Room Part 4

In this final visit to our chat application we will convert our single-server codebase to distributed microservice-oriented architecture. We will separate the auth and chat services into different applications that talk to one another over HTTP using Futures and Play’s web services client.

5.7.1 Directory and Project Structure

The chapter5-chat directory in the exercises contains a template application. Unlike previous exercises, the SBT build is split into four projects, each with its own subdirectory:

The build dependencies and HTTP communication between the projects are illustrated below:

Project dependencies and HTTP communication

Project dependencies and HTTP communication

Note that the codebases for the web site and APIs do not depend on one another, even though they communicate over HTTP when the app is running. To avoid code duplication, commonalities such as message classes and API client code are factored out into common or re-use throughout the codebase.

In this exercise you will complete parts of the API clients and servers. We’ve completed the web site and most of the common library for you.

5.7.2 Using SBT

Because there are four projects in SBT, you have to specify which one you want to compile, test or run. You can either do this by specifying the project name as a prefix to the command:

> authApi/compile

or by using the project command to focus on a particular project before issuing other commands:

> project chatApi
[info] Set current project to chatApi ↩
       (in build file:/essential-play-code/chapter5-chat/)

[chatApi] $ compile

Running the projects is complicated slightly by the fact that each microservice has run on a different port on localhost. Play allows you to specify the port via a command line parameter when starting SBT:

bash$ ./ -Dhttp.port=12345

We’ve written three shell scripts to hard-code the ports for you:

You will need to run each script in a separate terminal window to boot the complete application.

5.7.3 Auth API

The auth API has no dependencies on other web services, so the code is more or less identical to the solution from Chapter 4. We’ve already implemented the server for you—you should be able to run the script and communicate with it on port 9002:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9002/login' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --data   '{"username":"alice","password":"password1"}'

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9002/whoami' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --header 'Authorization: 913d7042-de8a-4f9c-a722-63fb6aa84a79'

Note that we’ve removed the /api prefix from the routes because there are no URL naming collisions with the web site.

5.7.4 Auth API Client

The chat API and web site will communicate with the auth API using a Scala client defined in the common project. The next step is to finish the code for this client.

Complete the client by filling in the TODOs in AuthServiceClient.scala. We’ve specified the URLs of the API endpoints in the comments. Use Play JSON to write and read request and response data and remember to set the Authorization header when calling out to whoami.

Here’s an end-to-end implementation of the login endpoint. We simply write the LoginRequest as JSON and read the LoginResponse back:

def login(req: LoginRequest): Future[LoginResponse] =
    flatMap { response =>
      Json.fromJson[LoginResponse](response.json) match {
        case JsSuccess(value, _) =>

        case error: JsError =>
          Future.failed(new Exception("Bad API response " + error))

As usual we can tidy the code up by factoring out useful elements. For example, here’s a parseResponse method to read a value from the response JSON:

def login(req: LoginRequest): Future[LoginResponse] =

def parseResponse[A](response: WSResponse)(implicit reads: Reads[A]): Future[A] = {
  Json.fromJson[A](response.json) match {
    case JsSuccess(value, _) =>

    case error: JsError =>
      Future.failed(InvalidResponseException(response, error))

case class InvalidResponseException(
  response: WSResponse,
  jsError: JsError
) extends Exception(s"BAD API response:\n${response.json}\n${jsError}")

The whoami endpoint is trivial with our parseResponse helper:

def whoami(sessionId: String): Future[WhoamiResponse] =
    withHeaders("Authorization" -> sessionId).

We’ve defined the client in the common project to make it available on the classpath for the chat API and the web site. Let’s look at the chat API next.

5.7.5 Chat API

The majority of the chat API is in ChatApiController.scala. We’ve included an authClient at the top of the file to authenticate users.

Complete each action. Use authClient to do any authentication and ChatService to fetch and post messages. Because authClient is asynchronous, you’ll need to use Futures and Action.async.

Let’s look at the messages endpoint first. The first thing we have to do is call the whoami method in the auth service, which we previously did using the withAuthenticatedUser helper. Now that the auth service is asynchronous, we have to reimplement this helper.

Here’s a prototype implementation that substitutes Result for Future[Result] in the code:

def withAuthenticatedUser
    (request: Request[AnyContent])
    (func: LoginResponse => Future[Result]): Future[Result] =
  request.headers.get("Authorization") match {
    case Some(sessionId) =>

    case None =>

Like many of our previous helper functions, this implementation makes inflexible assumptions about the return type of func. Ideally we’d like a helper that returns a LoginResponse and allows the caller to make decisions about what to do with it. We can do this by returning a Future[LoginResponse] and allowing the caller to use map or flatMap to sequence the next operations:

def authorization(request: Request[AnyContent]): Future[LoginResponse] =
  request.headers.get("Authorization") match {
    case Some(sessionId) =>

    case None =>

The messages and chat actions can be implemented using a combination of authorization, the map method, and our previous withRequestJsonAs helper:

def messages = Action.async { request =>
  authorization(request) map {
    case Credentials(sessionId, username) =>

    case SessionNotFound(sessionId) =>

def chat = Action.async { request =>
  authorization(request) map {
    case Credentials(sessionId, username) =>
      withRequestJsonAs[ChatRequest](request) { postReq =>

    case SessionNotFound(sessionId) =>

You should be able to run the completed API with and talk to it on port 9001 using curl. Remember to start the auth API in a second terminal as well:

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9002/login' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --data   '{"username":"alice","password":"password1"}'

bash$ curl 'http://localhost:9001/message' \
           --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           --header 'Authorization: 913d7042-de8a-4f9c-a722-63fb6aa84a79' \
           --data '{"text":"First post!"}'
  "message":{"author":"alice","text":"First post!"}

5.7.6 Chat API Client

The last part of the exercise involves implementing a client for the chat API. Complete the TODOs in ChatServiceClient.scala using a similar approach to the auth API client.

Here’s a model solution including the helper methods we developed earlier:

def messages(sessionId: String): Future[MessagesResponse] =
    withHeaders("Authorization" -> sessionId).

def chat(sessionId: String, chatReq: ChatRequest): Future[ChatResponse] =
    withHeaders("Authorization" -> sessionId).

5.7.7 Putting it All Together

The refactored web site uses the two API clients instead of calling the chat and auth services directly. Most of the code is identical to Chapter 3 so we won’t make you rewrite it. Check ChatController.scala and AuthController.scala for the details.

You should be able to start the web site alongside the two APIs using the script. Watch the console for HTTP traffic on the APIs as you navigate around the web site.

Congratulations—you have implemented a complete, microservice-driven web application!

6 Summary

Through the course of this book we have introduced you to the main systems used to build web applications in Play:

Hopefully you now have an appreciation of the speed and simplicity of creating web sites, APIs, and microservices using this simple, flexible web framework.

There are many more topics to cover, including web sockets, database access, XML processing, and more. Unfortunately this is only a single book and we have to stop somewhere. For further reading we will refer you to the following excellent resources:

Thank you for reading this book. We hope you had as much fun reading it as we did writing it, and we hope it armed you with the knowledge to write Play applications with confidence. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please get in touch on Gitter or email the authors at

All the best, and happy coding!

– Dave and Noel